
Justin Bieber
< h4>Links < h4> Justin Bieber – death race spit face
< h4>Links < h4> Justin Bieber – death race spit face
Nihilist Reptoid shill Hate-fueled epistemological black hole Presidential advisor References Bill Hicks vs Piers Morgan
The first computer at Los Alamos, used to make the calculations for the first hydrogen bomb (“Mike”) References http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MANIAC_I http://www.lanl.gov/history/story.php?story_id=82 http://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/supercomputers/10/28/46 http://www.computerhistory.org/collections/accession/102638077
November 24, 1925 – February 27, 2008 CIA “Special Activities” operative (supervised by E Howard Hunt) segregationist witch hunter spy novelist queer-basher crypto-Nazi Buckly wrote an entire book in praise of Joseph McCarthy’s anti-communist witch hunts. Things have gotten so bad that Buckley is now considered a gentle moderate. His his elder brother Jim Buckley […]
Armed security guard standing directly behind Robert Kennedy when he was shot in the back of the head.
Organization that printed a threatening ad in the Dallas Morning News on the day of John F. Kenney’s assassinaton. By coincidence, the ad had a black boarder in the style of an obituary. The org described themselves as “an unaffiliated and nonpartisan group of citizens who wish truth,” but they were in fact associated with […]
Everette Howard Hunt, Jr. aka: “Cancer Man” October 9, 1918 – January 23, 2007 prolific spy novelist convicted Watergate burglar CIA operative and assassin confessed accomplice in the assassination of JFK Hunt was William F. Buckley Jr’s supervisor while Buckley was a black ops agent in Mexico City in the early 50’s.
Frank Anthony Sturgis born Frank Angelo Fiorin December 9, 1924 – December 4, 1993 manager of Tophat Nightclub in Virginia Beach mercenary in Castro’s army anti-Castro gunrunner convicted Watergate burglar In the 50’s, he “spent time” in Mexico, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, and Honduras. And had nothing to do with the revolutions and political […]
Adler Berriman “Barry” Seal July 16, 1939–February 19, 1986 Son of a Baton Rouge candy wholesaler. He died with vice-president George H W Bush’s personal phone number in his possessions. Why would anyone want to kill such as nice young man? References nndb: Barry Seal wiki: Barry Seal namebase: Barry Seal Sparticus Educational: Barry Seal
Special operation charged with assasinating Fidel Castro. Decided to kill a bunch of other people instead. His name was Rico, he wore a diamond He was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancin’ there And when she finished, he called her over But Rico went a bit too far, Tony sailed across the bar […]
“I kill for the muthafuckin’ CIA, bitches!” — Porter Goss As a young assassin, Goss didn’t give a fuck. If a fellow Yalie tells you to kill a muthafucka, then that muthafucka gets got, ya heard? Later, in his high-ranking role on the House Intelligence committee, Goss addressed the outing of a clandestine CIA agent […]
short lived phonetic English-language spelling reform proposed by the Mormons
John Sydney McCain III terrible pilot (three planes crashed, one shot down) POW Philandering playboy (“maverick”) Senator Cylon operative John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone on August 29, 1936. His mother, Roberta Wright McCain, was an oil heiress. His father Admiral John McCain II, became commander-in-chief of the Pacific forces during the […]
from “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation” (CIA torture guide) dated July 1963: The aim of the Alice in Wonderland or confusion technique is to confound the expectations and conditioned reactions of the interrogatee. He is accustomed to a world that makes some sense, at least to him: a world of continuity and logic, a predictable world. He […]
Saudi Billionaire: owns a mansion and a yacht Connected to almost every major global conspiracy in the last 50 years BCCI + Beatles + Bin Laden + Bush + Contras + Iran + Iraq + Diana + Drug Dealers + JFK + 9/11 etc… Uncle of Dodi Fayed Lover of Paul McCartney’s wife Queen wrote […]
The Oswald backyard rifle photos are considered clumsy fakes, in part because the shadows on the face don’t match anything else in the picture. The head appears to be from a photograph taken at a different time of day, pasted onto a body that is actually shorter than Oswald. The FBI made this test photo […]
drug mule conspiracy theorist disinformation agent Casbolt believes that alien-human reptoid hybrids are living in underground bases and drinking the blood of innocent children. He believes that British intelligence runs all the other governments of the world, along with the global drug trade. He believes the London train bombings in 2004 were fake and the […]
CIA director Son of a Nazi-supporting Senator Father of an alcoholic coke-head Married to Aleister Crowley’s illegitimate daughter Shape-shifting reptoid (disputed)
There were problems.
A “centrist” pundit. “The only way that real change… will come is through coalitions built from the center out. And those coalitions will only flourish in a public atmosphere of civility, humanity and compromise.” — Joe Klein
The original 7 World Trade Center was a 47 story skyscraper across the street from the Twin Towers. It is the focus of the “controlled demolition” conspiracy theory, better known as the “invisible elfin demolition team” theory.
A Renaissance book with 250 pages of seemingly encoded text and emblems which has stumped cyptographers for centuries. The most likely theory is that it actually contains no meaning — it was just a gorgeous hoax by Edward Kelley. References http://www.voynich.nu/ http://www.cs.keele.ac.uk/km/blog/?p=18 http://www.sciam.com/article… http://www.nature.com/news/2003/031215/pf/031215-5_pf.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/stoke/features/2004/02/voynich.shtml
Alternate Joint Communications Center at Raven Rock aka: Harry’s Hole, The Underground Pentagon Site R is believed to be the ‘undisclosed location’ of Vice-President Dick Cheney. Home to one of the two locations of the so-called shadow government — where, since Sept. 11, senior government officials have been taking turns living underground, waiting to run […]
The unicursal hexagram is so-called because it can be drawn in one continuous movement. The triangles are also often used to represent opposites such as fire and water or male and female, so the unifying of the symbol into one represents the union of opposites. This is also significant in ritual magick, where a continuous […]
Artificial Intelligence in the film Tron which seemingly commits suicide by means of the human Flynn.
Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska. Headquarters of the United States Strategic Command, the Air Force Weather Agency, and the 55th Wing. The 55th is a reconnaissance and electronic combat wing. Their motto is Videmus Omnia – “We See All” The only two bombers to ever drop atomic bombs — Enola Gay and Bockscar — […]
In Scientology, this is the name of a propaganda and disinformation method for dealing with those who oppose the Org. If there will be a long-term threat, you are to immediately evaluate and originate a black PR campaign to destroy the person’s repute and to discredit them so thoroughly that they will be ostracized. – […]
a mysterious agency of mental health intelligence operatives who L Ron Hubbard thought was harassing him
Military contractor founded in San Diego California. According to their company overview: We are a leading provider of scientific, engineering, systems integration and technical services and products to all branches of the U.S. military, agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), the intelligence community, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other U.S. […]
Mathematical Applications Group, Inc Early computer graphics pioneer. Supported by military contracts for projects simulating equipment behavior. They created 15 of the 20 minutes of CGI in the move Tron, including the light cycles, tanks, and Recognizers. From ‘TRON,’ Revisited in VFX Pro, October 09, 2000 MAGI used a modeling system called Synthavision, which built […]
Developed the atomic detonators for the Manhattan Project. Was on board the Enola Gay as it dropped the bomb. Pushed for the development of thermo-nuclear weapons. Together with J. Allen Hynek he was a member of the January 1953 Durant Panel Report in which the recent UFO waves were debunked as paranoia and considered no […]
In an “authentic” mutilation, the animal’s sexual organs are removed and the anus is cored out with laser-like precision. Often, an eye, tongue or patch of skin is removed. Blood, footprints and tire tracks are noticeably absent. References wiki: Cattle_mutilation
Alcoholic jingoist Killed by cancer caused by fallout from atomic bomb tests. Links http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a2_016.html
aka: Carl M. Allen, Carl Meredith Allen, Carlos Miguel Allende Disinformation agent. Described as a highly intelligent but nonetheless mentally ill itinerant. Claimed to be a witness to the so-called Philadelphia Experiment. Correspondent of Morris Jessup, writing to him about the horrible experiment, and suggesting that UFOs were using the same forces. Eventually, Jessup dismissed […]
Published by Morris Jessup in 1955. The nearly legendary annotated edition with notes inscribed by Carlos Allende (Carl Allen) was printed for the Naval Research Office in an edition of 200 by the Varo Manufacturing Company of Garland, Texas. A transcription of the Varo edition of this book with Allende’s notes is available at Obscurantist […]
Land of Enchantment
Air Force Sergeant. Self-claimed government UFO disinformation agent Interviewed UFO conspiracist Paul Bennewitz in 1980. References http://www.textfiles.com/ufo/doty.ufo http://www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/hastings.htm
The Yellow Book is reported to be a physical record of the communications from an extraterrestrial, who was recovered from a downed UFO and kept in custody by MJ-12, before he died several years later. This extraterrestrial was called EBE-1. A second extraterrestrial is reported to be currently in custody under MJ-12, and she is […]
aka: The Crown City Mausoleum of Capitalist Aristocracy In March 1886, Pasadena became the second incorporated municipality, after the city of Los Angeles, in Los Angeles County. In Ojibwe, “pa-sa-de-na,” means “of the valley” The first Busch Gardens opened in Pasadena in 1905 and closed to the public in 1937. When Busch died at his […]