
Nevada Desert Triangle
An alleged bombing test site near Groom Lake/Are 51, which just happens to be an eye in a pyramid, visible from space.
An alleged bombing test site near Groom Lake/Are 51, which just happens to be an eye in a pyramid, visible from space.
100 atmospheric nuclear tests were detonated at the Nevata Test Site through July 1962.
The Mojave Desert region around Las Vegas is a renowned locus of anomie and abjection.
“It’ll be just like Beggar’s Canyon back home!”
dude ranch, restaurant, and hotel operated by Pancho Barnes near Edwards Air Force Base in the Antelope Valley
“The Devil’s Fresno” References wiki: Blythe, CA City of Blythe
The flagpole is gone. The fort around the flagpole is gone. The hill where the fort stood is gone. You are standing beneath their deepest foundations. The streets now flow through the absence of a hill, submerged roads settled on the floor of forgotten caverns.
Scientists poked at the bones with a stick. “That guy,” they said, clipboards in hand, “is dead. He looks pretty old too,” they added, while jumping out of the path of an earthmover.
Dugway Proving Ground, about 85 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, is an Army facility established in 1942 to test biological and chemical weapons. It’s just south of the Utah Test and Training Range, together forming the largest overland special use airspace in the United States. In 1968, 6,249 sheep in Skull Valley were poisoned […]
Located approximately 22 miles (35 km) northeast of Lancaster, California next to next to Rogers Dry Lake, which acts as a natural extension to the runways, and which has the largest compass rose in the world. Location of Chuck Yeager’s flight that broke the sound barrier in the Bell X-1, the flights of America’s first […]
Officially: Home of The Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, Washington D.C., U.S.A. The full name of the Supreme Council is: The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third degree of the […]
The original 7 World Trade Center was a 47 story skyscraper across the street from the Twin Towers. It is the focus of the “controlled demolition” conspiracy theory, better known as the “invisible elfin demolition team” theory.
Alternate Joint Communications Center at Raven Rock aka: Harry’s Hole, The Underground Pentagon Site R is believed to be the ‘undisclosed location’ of Vice-President Dick Cheney. Home to one of the two locations of the so-called shadow government — where, since Sept. 11, senior government officials have been taking turns living underground, waiting to run […]
Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska. Headquarters of the United States Strategic Command, the Air Force Weather Agency, and the 55th Wing. The 55th is a reconnaissance and electronic combat wing. Their motto is Videmus Omnia – “We See All” The only two bombers to ever drop atomic bombs — Enola Gay and Bockscar — […]
Land of Enchantment
aka: The Crown City Mausoleum of Capitalist Aristocracy In March 1886, Pasadena became the second incorporated municipality, after the city of Los Angeles, in Los Angeles County. In Ojibwe, “pa-sa-de-na,” means “of the valley” The first Busch Gardens opened in Pasadena in 1905 and closed to the public in 1937. When Busch died at his […]
Founded as El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles sobre El Rio Porciuncula — The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels on the River Porciuncula “(porcinicula meaning “little portion”) George Adamski meet several visitors from other planets in LA. Orfeo Angelucci had alien encounters in the LA river bed. […]
Streetlight people
Livin’ just to find emotion
Hidin’ somewhere in the night
[ WARNING: Information in this post has been Damaged ] Dulce Base is the name for a secret underground facility in or near Dulce, New Mexico where alien hybrids drink the blood of babies and they never ever take out the trash. Many details of the lore surrounding the Dulce base [ERROR] ”vast underground bases […]
Built in the late 1930s, Dealy Plaza, with its Art Moderne style, was once considered the ceremonial gateway to Dallas. It was built to honor publisher and civic leader George Dealey. This small park was once Dallas’ original riverfront settlement. All of that was eclipsed by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy as his […]
The bar at “Area-51” (Nellis Air Force Base) References
from Scientology As described by L Ron Hubbard in the sequence, Teegeeack was the original name for Earth in the time of the galactic dictator Xenu (or perhaps Xemu) Teegeeack – artist rendering The residents of Teegeeack were killed, nuked and brainwashed by Xenu. They ended up as flea-like parasites called body thetans who infest […]
A decommissioned base located in San Bernardino. Now the San Bernardino International Airport. Former site of the Defense Audiovisual Agency (DAVA) established in June 1979 to provide centrally managed audiovisual support to the entire Department of Defense components. Disestablished on September 30, 1985. References wikipedia: Norton Air Force Base AF Installations, Environment & Logistics, Legacy […]
Located in Groom Dry Lake, Nevada aka: Area 51, Dreamland The base, part of the United States Air Force’s Air Combat Command, is located approximately eight miles northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada. The total land area occupied by Nellis and its restricted ranges is about 5,000 square miles. Satellite image of the runways: Map of […]
Mountain north of San Diego. Location of the Palomar Observatory. George Adamski claimed his first alien contact was here. In Alchemical Conspiracy and the Death of the West”Michael Hoffman writes of Parsons. Hoffman tells us that the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) had a temple on nearby Mount Palomar. The local Indians regarded the mountain as […]
Some stuff happened there in 1947 (Roswell Incident) References Roswell Auxiliary Army Airfield #1
The nickname of the inland area in south-central California clustered around San Jose. One of the most intense nodes of tension in the psycho-sexuality of global capital. It’s suburbs include the farming community of Salinas, the resort town of Santa Cruz, and the upscale commuter village of San Francisco. In his 1979 book Messengers of […]
aka: Frisco A small coastal suburb of San Jose. Locals (“Friscoans”) refer to it as “The City” in ironic reference to their smug provincial isolation. The Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite was said to be more beautiful than Yosemite Valley itself. In order to supply water to Frisco, the Hetch Hetchy Valley was dammed up […]
A dome shaped building built by George Van Tassel at Giant Rock. The structure is 38-foot high, 55-foot diameter, made entirely out of wood, and is said to be “accoustically perfect.” Its design was based on the design of Moses’ Tabernacle, the writings of Nikola Tesla and telepathic directions fromfrom extraterrestrial intelligences, in particular an […]
A place near Joshua Tree in the California desert where a sixty foot high boulder rises from a dry lake bed. The rock was known by local Indian tribes as the Great Stone. A airstrip runs next to the rock, and rock and airstrip became the location of Saucerian Convention for several decades, many of […]
The brand name of a master-planned suburb in Southern California just north of the San Fernando Valley in the municipality of Santa Clarita. Built by Newhall Land and Farming (now just Newhall Land). The route of the flood from the St. Francis dam passed though what would eventually become Valencia. Location of: US Borax California […]
Near Dayton, Ohio. Site of the Air Force Technical Intelligence Division. The base of Project Blue Book. Allegedly the place where the humanoid alien bodies from the Roswell UFO crash were taken. The location of UFO wreckage itself was allegedly brought and kept under guard for years. References
aka: WVOV, Point Pleasant Depot associated with the Mothman incidents from During the years of operation of WVOW, Point Pleasant was a boom-town. Chemists, scientists, engineers, electricians, plumbers, masons, heavy construction crews, and laborers representing nearly every building trade were required for the rapid buildup. Workers from all over the country converged on this […]
Misspelling see: Teegeeack
Located on the central coast of California, Vandenburg occupies a large area around Point Conception — the point where the California coast turns North which is roughly considered the geographic and climatological division between Northern and Southern California. Location of many missile tests, commercial rocket launches, and some space shuttle launches. While trying to convince […]
A site on the surface of Mars where a huge face supposedly stares straight up into the sky in a particular set of Viking photographs. NASA says its a trick of light and shadow which doesn’t show up again in other photos. Richard Hogland claims that everyone at NASA is covering up the truth about […]
a first-person shooter arcade game in which the S.T.A.R. commando team goes in to a secret military base which has been overrun by evil homicidal aliens
A dry lakebed in Nevada near Las Vegas. Location of Nellis Air Force Base and test ranges (aka: Area 51, Dreamland)
Located near Washington DC. At the center of the Invasion of Washington UFO fly-overs in July of 1952.
Located in in Otero County, New Mexico. Originally founded as Alamogordo Army Air Field in 1942, it was renamed Holloman Air Force Base on January 13, 1948, in honor of the late Col. George V. Holloman, a pioneer in guided missile research. Donald Menzel saw a UFO near here on May 12, 1949 — a […]