
Jābir ibn Hayyān
The term “gibberish” may come from his latinized name
The term “gibberish” may come from his latinized name
OSS Special Investigator. One of the founders of Dianetics
1845 expedition with Kit Carson to find source of Arkansas River, heads for California instead, provokes war, takes control of Bear Flag revolt, murders various people
Raymond Eveleth “Ray” Fowler Director of Scientific Investigations for MUFON He joined the U.S. Air Force in 1952, attended a special school for electronic espionage, after which he was assigned to the USAF Security Service under the auspices of the NSA. His civilian career included work on US government projects including the Minuteman Project weapons […]
Austrian architect Victor Gruen is credited with inventing the modern shopping mall. References the fox is black: Victor_Gruen wiki:Victor_Gruen
(January 1, 1912 – November 16, 2003) An art director who worked on various films for Paramount Pictures. He is perhaps best known for his design of the alien ships from the 1953 film The War of the Worlds. Born in Japan, he immigrated to America with his parents when he was 3. He became […]
Francis Joseph Xavier Scully (28 April 1892 – 23 June 1964) Dana Scully from The X-Files television series is named after him. Knight of the Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great (1956) Author of Behind the Flying Saucers (1950) In October and November 1949, Scully published two columns in Variety, claiming that dead extraterrestrial […]
Clair Elroy George (August 3, 1930 – August 11, 2011) One of the CIA’s earliest recruits. He specialized in turning agents to spy on their own countries for the United States. George served as the CIA’s station chief in Beirut when civil war erupted there in 1975. Deputy director for operations (DDO) of the Central […]
Sixth person on the Moon. Buzz Aldrin described a psychic communication experiment that Mitchell conducted during the Apollo 14 flight, wherein Mitchell attempted to transmit information to an observer on the ground. Aldrin stated that the experiment was a complete failure. In 2004 he told the St. Petersburg Times that a “cabal of insiders” in […]
(Odessa, August 8, 1912 – November 23, 1978, Paris) born: Yakov Mikhailovich Berger Co-author of Le Matin des Magiciens which was published in France in 1960. Neo-surrealistic modern European history focusing on the occult and secret societies on politics. And also connects alchemy with nuclear physics. Translated into English by Rollo May in 1963 under […]
Nathan Farragut Twining (October 11, 1897 – March 29, 1982) He was Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force from 1953 until 1957, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1957 to 1960. His mother was Frances Staver Twining, author of Bird-Watching in the West. On September 23, 1947, authored a memo […]
< h4>Links < h4> Justin Bieber – death race spit face
Nihilist Reptoid shill Hate-fueled epistemological black hole Presidential advisor References Bill Hicks vs Piers Morgan
November 24, 1925 – February 27, 2008 CIA “Special Activities” operative (supervised by E Howard Hunt) segregationist witch hunter spy novelist queer-basher crypto-Nazi Buckly wrote an entire book in praise of Joseph McCarthy’s anti-communist witch hunts. Things have gotten so bad that Buckley is now considered a gentle moderate. His his elder brother Jim Buckley […]
Armed security guard standing directly behind Robert Kennedy when he was shot in the back of the head.
Everette Howard Hunt, Jr. aka: “Cancer Man” October 9, 1918 – January 23, 2007 prolific spy novelist convicted Watergate burglar CIA operative and assassin confessed accomplice in the assassination of JFK Hunt was William F. Buckley Jr’s supervisor while Buckley was a black ops agent in Mexico City in the early 50’s.
Frank Anthony Sturgis born Frank Angelo Fiorin December 9, 1924 – December 4, 1993 manager of Tophat Nightclub in Virginia Beach mercenary in Castro’s army anti-Castro gunrunner convicted Watergate burglar In the 50’s, he “spent time” in Mexico, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, and Honduras. And had nothing to do with the revolutions and political […]
Adler Berriman “Barry” Seal July 16, 1939–February 19, 1986 Son of a Baton Rouge candy wholesaler. He died with vice-president George H W Bush’s personal phone number in his possessions. Why would anyone want to kill such as nice young man? References nndb: Barry Seal wiki: Barry Seal namebase: Barry Seal Sparticus Educational: Barry Seal
“I kill for the muthafuckin’ CIA, bitches!” — Porter Goss As a young assassin, Goss didn’t give a fuck. If a fellow Yalie tells you to kill a muthafucka, then that muthafucka gets got, ya heard? Later, in his high-ranking role on the House Intelligence committee, Goss addressed the outing of a clandestine CIA agent […]
John Sydney McCain III terrible pilot (three planes crashed, one shot down) POW Philandering playboy (“maverick”) Senator Cylon operative John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone on August 29, 1936. His mother, Roberta Wright McCain, was an oil heiress. His father Admiral John McCain II, became commander-in-chief of the Pacific forces during the […]
Saudi Billionaire: owns a mansion and a yacht Connected to almost every major global conspiracy in the last 50 years BCCI + Beatles + Bin Laden + Bush + Contras + Iran + Iraq + Diana + Drug Dealers + JFK + 9/11 etc… Uncle of Dodi Fayed Lover of Paul McCartney’s wife Queen wrote […]
The Oswald backyard rifle photos are considered clumsy fakes, in part because the shadows on the face don’t match anything else in the picture. The head appears to be from a photograph taken at a different time of day, pasted onto a body that is actually shorter than Oswald. The FBI made this test photo […]
drug mule conspiracy theorist disinformation agent Casbolt believes that alien-human reptoid hybrids are living in underground bases and drinking the blood of innocent children. He believes that British intelligence runs all the other governments of the world, along with the global drug trade. He believes the London train bombings in 2004 were fake and the […]
CIA director Son of a Nazi-supporting Senator Father of an alcoholic coke-head Married to Aleister Crowley’s illegitimate daughter Shape-shifting reptoid (disputed)
A “centrist” pundit. “The only way that real change… will come is through coalitions built from the center out. And those coalitions will only flourish in a public atmosphere of civility, humanity and compromise.” — Joe Klein
Developed the atomic detonators for the Manhattan Project. Was on board the Enola Gay as it dropped the bomb. Pushed for the development of thermo-nuclear weapons. Together with J. Allen Hynek he was a member of the January 1953 Durant Panel Report in which the recent UFO waves were debunked as paranoia and considered no […]
Alcoholic jingoist Killed by cancer caused by fallout from atomic bomb tests. Links
aka: Carl M. Allen, Carl Meredith Allen, Carlos Miguel Allende Disinformation agent. Described as a highly intelligent but nonetheless mentally ill itinerant. Claimed to be a witness to the so-called Philadelphia Experiment. Correspondent of Morris Jessup, writing to him about the horrible experiment, and suggesting that UFOs were using the same forces. Eventually, Jessup dismissed […]
Air Force Sergeant. Self-claimed government UFO disinformation agent Interviewed UFO conspiracist Paul Bennewitz in 1980. References
William L Moore Well-known UFOlogist, especially prominent in the 1980’s. Bears resemblance to a bearded Fox Mulder. He co-authored several books with Charles Berlitz, including The Roswell Incident — the first book written about the alleged Roswell UFO crash/retrieval Bill Moore was a central figure in the release of the controversial Majestic 12 documents. He […]
TV producer. Jamie Shandera (center) with Bill Moore and Stanton Friedman The Majestic 12 documents were sent to his home on a roll of undeveloped film. References wikipedia: Jaime Shandera
William Milton Cooper aka: Will Cooper, Milton Cooper Author of Behold a Pale Horse (1991), a popular superconspiracy. He claimed to have all the inside info on the government UFO cover-up including the four types of aliens, the American treaty of 1964, and the secret base on the dark”side of the moon. In later years, […]
Prominent UFO researcher. Probable disinformation agent. Has been active with the Fund for UFO Research. PhD in Physics. He is an accomplished pianist who performed at the 1997 and 1999 MUFON symposia. References wikipedia: Bruce Maccabee Personal Website –
Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr (b: Sep 8, 1922 – ) Ultraconservative, homophobic, anti-semitic, neo-fascist, loon. Convicted felon (mail fraud, tax-evasion, conspiracy) Former member of the Communist Party. For several decades, he has run for President as a self-proclaimed Democrat, including his 1996 run from prison. (He did not win) He has espoused an array of […]
(1548-February 17, 1600) Italian philosopher, priest, astronomer/astrologer, and occultist. Bruno is perhaps best known for his system of mnemonics and as an early proponent of the idea of extra-solar planets and extraterrestrial life. Burned at the stake as a heretic for his theological ideas, Bruno is seen as a martyr to the cause of free […]
Raymond Arthur Palmer Editor of Amazing Stories from 1938 through 1949 Prolific science fiction editor and author Palmer was hit by a truck at age seven and suffered a broken back. At nine, a failed spinal graft left him a hunchback who never grew past four feet. He immersed himself in science fiction, moving quickly […]
Often considered the first modern UFO witness. While flying near Mount Rainier in Washington state on June 24 1947, Kenneth Arnold saw nine extremely fast moving disks skipping across the sky. An AP wire reporter described them as flying saucers” — a name which stuck. Due to the publicity surrounding his report, and because he […]
(d: April 24th 1965) One of the first American UFO contactees,”very influential upon all subsequent contactees and UFO contact literature. He claimed he saw his first saucer on October 9, 1946 — a black object like a giant dirigible. Thia was the year Maury Island Incident — Adamski he said he saw a long procession […]
(1856-1930) American industrialist and philanthropist brother of Simon Guggenheim and son of Meyer Guggenheim. Member of NSL (National-Security-League) which was the driving force for moving the then neutral USA into the first World War. Interested in rocketry. Funded the work of Robert Goddard References wikipedia: Daniel Guggenheim
Gnostic high-priestess See also: priory of sion References wikipedia: Mary Magdalene