
Bill Moore

William L Moore Well-known UFOlogist, especially prominent in the 1980’s. Bears resemblance to a bearded Fox Mulder. He co-authored several books with Charles Berlitz, including The Roswell Incident — the first book written about the alleged Roswell UFO crash/retrieval Bill Moore was a central figure in the release of the controversial Majestic 12 documents. He […]


Jamie Shandera

TV producer. Jamie Shandera (center) with Bill Moore and Stanton Friedman The Majestic 12 documents were sent to his home on a roll of undeveloped film. References wikipedia: Jaime Shandera

The Aviary

UFO performance art disinformation campaign. Credited to William Moore Alleged members: BLUE JAY: Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green, MD, Ph.D; Chief, Biomedical Sciences Department, General Motors, former head of the CIA’s UFO files at the Weird Desk. PELICAN: Ron Pandolfi, CIA Deputy Director for the Division of Science and Technology and current custodian of UFO files […]


Bill Cooper

William Milton Cooper aka: Will Cooper, Milton Cooper Author of Behold a Pale Horse (1991), a popular superconspiracy. He claimed to have all the inside info on the government UFO cover-up including the four types of aliens, the American treaty of 1964, and the secret base on the dark”side of the moon. In later years, […]


Bruce Maccabee

Prominent UFO researcher. Probable disinformation agent. Has been active with the Fund for UFO Research. PhD in Physics. He is an accomplished pianist who performed at the 1997 and 1999 MUFON symposia. References wikipedia: Bruce Maccabee Personal Website – http://brumac.8k.com/



aka: The Order of Perfectibilists, Bavarian Illuminati An organization in Bavaria founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt based on recruitment from prestegious Masonic lodges. Disbanded by the Bavarian government in the mid-1780’s when it was declaired an outlaw organization. Or perhaps it just relocated and/or went underground. The Illuminati have occasionally been blamed […]


Lyndon LaRouche

Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr (b: Sep 8, 1922 – ) Ultraconservative, homophobic, anti-semitic, neo-fascist, loon. Convicted felon (mail fraud, tax-evasion, conspiracy) Former member of the Communist Party. For several decades, he has run for President as a self-proclaimed Democrat, including his 1996 run from prison. (He did not win) He has espoused an array of […]


Giordano Bruno

(1548-February 17, 1600) Italian philosopher, priest, astronomer/astrologer, and occultist. Bruno is perhaps best known for his system of mnemonics and as an early proponent of the idea of extra-solar planets and extraterrestrial life. Burned at the stake as a heretic for his theological ideas, Bruno is seen as a martyr to the cause of free […]


Memory techniques and technologies. Comes from Mnemosyne (“remembrance”), the name of the Mother of the Muses in Greek mythology. References wikipedia: mnemonics


Maury Island Incident

One of the first and most totemic episodes of the modern UFO era. On or around June 21, 1947, something may or may not have happened involving a malfunctioning UFO, a dead dog, nuclear waste, Men in Black and a brutal cover-up… To some in the UFO community, the Maury Island Incident is still highly […]


Los Angeles

Founded as El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles sobre El Ri­o Porciuncula — The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels on the River Porciuncula “(porcinicula meaning “little portion”) George Adamski meet several visitors from other planets in LA. Orfeo Angelucci had alien encounters in the LA river bed. […]


Ray Palmer

Raymond Arthur Palmer Editor of Amazing Stories from 1938 through 1949 Prolific science fiction editor and author Palmer was hit by a truck at age seven and suffered a broken back. At nine, a failed spinal graft left him a hunchback who never grew past four feet. He immersed himself in science fiction, moving quickly […]


close encounter

Sightings more than 500 feet from the witness are classified as Daylight Discs”, Nocturnal Lights”or Radar/Visual Reports”. Sightings within about 500 feet are subclassified as various close encounters. A system first suggested by J. Allen Hynek in his 1972 book The UFO Experience: A Scientific Study. Hynek’s original three levels of close enconter range from […]


Kenneth Arnold

Often considered the first modern UFO witness. While flying near Mount Rainier in Washington state on June 24 1947, Kenneth Arnold saw nine extremely fast moving disks skipping across the sky. An AP wire reporter described them as flying saucers” — a name which stuck. Due to the publicity surrounding his report, and because he […]


George Adamski

(d: April 24th 1965) One of the first American UFO contactees,”very influential upon all subsequent contactees and UFO contact literature. He claimed he saw his first saucer on October 9, 1946 — a black object like a giant dirigible. Thia was the year Maury Island Incident — Adamski he said he saw a long procession […]

Daniel Guggenheim

(1856-1930) American industrialist and philanthropist brother of Simon Guggenheim and son of Meyer Guggenheim. Member of NSL (National-Security-League) which was the driving force for moving the then neutral USA into the first World War. Interested in rocketry. Funded the work of Robert Goddard References wikipedia: Daniel Guggenheim


Project Rainbow

Project RAINBOW is the name of two separate alleged United States secret military projects in the 20th Century, both concerned with stealth and radar invisibility. At least one recent, anonymous, writer in the UFO/conspiracy underground has linked the two projects, though this is by no means considered a mainstream viewpoint. The near-mythical 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, […]


Montauk Project

The Montauk Project was purportedly a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero and/or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island. The Montauk Project is believed by small numbers of people to be an extension or continuation of the controversial Philadelphia Experiment, which supposedly took place October 28, 1943. Believed […]


Flying Saucer

An anonymous wit on the AP wire added this term to Kenneth Arnold‘s description of the skipping disks” he saw near Mount Rainer in 1947. The term has been with us ever since. See also: ufo References wikipedia:flying saucer


Mary Magdalene

Gnostic high-priestess See also: priory of sion References wikipedia: Mary Magdalene http://www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=1149 http://www.webcom.com/gnosis/library/marygosp.htm http://reluctant-messenger.com/gospel-magdalene.htm


Last Supper

An anti-Catholic painting by renowned heretic Leonardo da Vinci. The imagery de-emphasizes the the bread and wine, while strongly emphasizing the role of Mary in the Christian religion. Mary (?) also is literally holding a knife to Saint Peter, founder of the Roman Church. “Cripes!” says Peter with his hands up. “Da dame’s got a […]


Leonardo da Vinci

Artist, scientist, alchemist, anatomist, sacreligious pervert, arms dealer, naughty boy. The over-hyped version of Athanasius Kirchner Alleged Grand Master of the Priory of Sion Alleged to have created the shroud of turin using photochemicals, a camera obscura, and a beaten corpse. In his painting of The Last Supper, Mary Magdalene’s seven foot long arm is […]


Rehabilitation Project Force

Scientology Internal prision work camp for the Sea Org References wiki: rehabilitation project force http://www.cesnur.org/2002/scient-rpf-01.htm http://www.lermanet2.com/scientology/gulags/BrainwashinginScientology‘sRehabilitationProjectForce.htm


Sea Org

A recruitment-only sub-organization within Scientology. (that’s David Miscavige in the front) Members of the Sea Org sign an employment contract with the organization for one billion years. Sea Org members, in accordance with Scientology beliefs, are expected to return to the Sea Org when they are reborn. (The slogan of the Sea Org is, “We […]


Ramon Lull

(1235 — June 29, 1315) aka: Ramon Llull, Raymond Lully, Raimundus or Raymundus Lullus Around 1275, Llull designed a method, which he first published in full in his Ars generalis ultima or Ars magna (1305), of combining attributes selected from a number of lists. It was intended as a debating tool for winning Muslims to […]


Shroud of Turin

The image on the Shroud has the quality of a photographic negative. The image is only on the surface of the cloth, there’s a high degree of anatomical detail combined with optical distortion, and negative reversals of the image on the Shroud are famously more clear than the Shroud itself (as one would expect when […]


Priory of Sion

aka: Priory of Zion A secret organization spanning centuries, or perhaps millennia, who consider themselves guardians of the Holy Grail, or the Holy Blood. Or something. The Priory is aassociated with the alleged progeney of Mary Magdalene. The Priory’s list of grand masters are known by the old French title Nautononnier, meaning “navigator”or “helmsman.” The […]


Athanasius Kirchner

(May 2, 1602 — November, 28 1680) Scientific superstar. 17th century German Jesuit scholar who published around 40 works, most notably in the fields of oriental studies, geology and medicine. He made an early study of Egyptian hieroglyphs. One of the first people to observe microbes through a microscope, he was thus ahead of his […]


Ars Combinatoria

The combinatory work of The combinatory work of as described and further theorized by in his early text, De Arte Combinatoria of 1666. The main idea behind the text is that of an alphabet of human thought, which is attributed to Descartes. All concepts are nothing but combinations of a relatively small number of simple […]


Gottfried Leibniz

The once was a man named Leibniz Who was often prone to throw fits With hair like a cloud He shouted quite loud Till everyone was out of their wits MONAD!!! References wiki: Gottfried Leibniz


Charles Lindberg

Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr. (February 4, 1902 — August 26, 1974) aka: Lucky Lindy, The Lone Eagle Pioneering aviator. Nazi sympathizer. Strongly opposed to America entering World War II. FDR banned him from joining the military. (in 1954. Dwight D. Eisenhower restored Lindbergh’s assignment with the Army Air Corps and made him a Brigadier General). […]


William Dudley Pelley

Prominent American fascist leader. Hollywood screenwriter in 1917-29. Wrote films such as The Light in the Dark and The Shock (both starring Lon Chaney). Christian Party candidate for President of the United States in 1936. He ran on the slogan For Christ and the Constitution”and his platform involved a segregated Jewish state in America. During […]


The I Am Activity of the Saint Germain foundation, which began what is known today as the I Am movement, is a new religious movement started by Guy Ballard in 1930. I AM had distinctly fascist connections: in addition to their appeal to the superior wisdom of the Great White Brotherhood, the membership of I […]


Guy Ballard

aka: Godfre Ray King Founder and Leader of the movement. Author of Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence. Guy Ballard was associated with the mysterious immortal occult figure Saint Germain. References wikipedia: Guy Ballard http://www.saintgermainpress.com/


George Hunt Williamson

aka: Michel d’Obrevnic (given name) Author of several UFO books including: The Saucers Speak, Secret Places of the Lion, Road in the Sky, and Other Tongues, Other Flesh. Williamson used a Ouija board and a radio to talk to Martians (Peebles, 124), and was a proponent of conspiracy theories concerning the International Bankers. He is […]