
Nevada National Security Site
100 atmospheric nuclear tests were detonated at the Nevata Test Site through July 1962.
100 atmospheric nuclear tests were detonated at the Nevata Test Site through July 1962.
The first computer at Los Alamos, used to make the calculations for the first hydrogen bomb (“Mike”) References http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MANIAC_I http://www.lanl.gov/history/story.php?story_id=82 http://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/supercomputers/10/28/46 http://www.computerhistory.org/collections/accession/102638077
Alternate Joint Communications Center at Raven Rock aka: Harry’s Hole, The Underground Pentagon Site R is believed to be the ‘undisclosed location’ of Vice-President Dick Cheney. Home to one of the two locations of the so-called shadow government — where, since Sept. 11, senior government officials have been taking turns living underground, waiting to run […]
Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska. Headquarters of the United States Strategic Command, the Air Force Weather Agency, and the 55th Wing. The 55th is a reconnaissance and electronic combat wing. Their motto is Videmus Omnia – “We See All” The only two bombers to ever drop atomic bombs — Enola Gay and Bockscar — […]
Military contractor founded in San Diego California. According to their company overview: We are a leading provider of scientific, engineering, systems integration and technical services and products to all branches of the U.S. military, agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), the intelligence community, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other U.S. […]
Mathematical Applications Group, Inc Early computer graphics pioneer. Supported by military contracts for projects simulating equipment behavior. They created 15 of the 20 minutes of CGI in the move Tron, including the light cycles, tanks, and Recognizers. From ‘TRON,’ Revisited in VFX Pro, October 09, 2000 MAGI used a modeling system called Synthavision, which built […]
Alcoholic jingoist Killed by cancer caused by fallout from atomic bomb tests. Links http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a2_016.html
aka: Carl M. Allen, Carl Meredith Allen, Carlos Miguel Allende Disinformation agent. Described as a highly intelligent but nonetheless mentally ill itinerant. Claimed to be a witness to the so-called Philadelphia Experiment. Correspondent of Morris Jessup, writing to him about the horrible experiment, and suggesting that UFOs were using the same forces. Eventually, Jessup dismissed […]
Land of Enchantment
William Milton Cooper aka: Will Cooper, Milton Cooper Author of Behold a Pale Horse (1991), a popular superconspiracy. He claimed to have all the inside info on the government UFO cover-up including the four types of aliens, the American treaty of 1964, and the secret base on the dark”side of the moon. In later years, […]
(SDI) aka: Star Wars Because these systems would be useless against any genuine human threat, some suspect that they are actually alien defense weapons. This theory makes about as much sense of as the theories espoused by other high-profile Star Wars supporters. Lyndon LaRouche may have helped influence the Regan administration to support SDI (New […]
The bar at “Area-51” (Nellis Air Force Base) References http://www.ufomind.com/area51/orgs/security/sec-man/sec-man.shtml
Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare (Military Intelligence and Security Service) The military intelligence agency of Italy. Considered notoriously shifty at best. Implicated in GLADIO, yellowcake forgeries, Valerie Plame. References wikipedia: sismi wikipedia: gladio wikipedia: yellowcake forgery
A hypothetical machine described by Dr. in his July 1945 article in the Atlantic Monthly, As We May Think. The memex would be able to link any piece of data to any other at will, thereby building trails of information in conformity with the of the User. Bush’s description of in the memex is considered […]
A decommissioned base located in San Bernardino. Now the San Bernardino International Airport. Former site of the Defense Audiovisual Agency (DAVA) established in June 1979 to provide centrally managed audiovisual support to the entire Department of Defense components. Disestablished on September 30, 1985. References wikipedia: Norton Air Force Base AF Installations, Environment & Logistics, Legacy […]
Located in Groom Dry Lake, Nevada aka: Area 51, Dreamland The base, part of the United States Air Force’s Air Combat Command, is located approximately eight miles northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada. The total land area occupied by Nellis and its restricted ranges is about 5,000 square miles. Satellite image of the runways: Map of […]
The Philadelphia Experiment allegedly was a secret experiment conducted by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Yards at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on or before October 28, 1943, which went horribly awry. It is also called “Project Rainbow”. It involved the disappearance and/or teleportation of a navy destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge (DE-173). The only source […]
Spooky New Age death dude. Co-author with Richard Groller of The Warrior’s Edge (1990) In 1983, Neuro-Linguistic Programming course. On the advisory board for the National Institute for Discovery Science From 1966 through early 1969 he commanded Special Forces “A” Teams in Vietnam and Thailand. His last military assignment was as Director, Advanced Systems Concepts […]
The National Institute for Discovery Science was founded by Bigelow Robert as a way to channel funds into the proper scientific study of paranormal phenomena. They were very interested in cattle mutilation and for a while they were the FAA’s sole recipient for black triangle reports. Most famously they bought Skinwalker Ranch”in Utah 1996. Rumors […]
A hotel entrepreneur with a keen interest in space flight. He made his fortune through the hotel chain Budget Suites of America and is the founder of Bigelow Aerospace. Founder of the National Institute for Discovery Science. References Inflatable Spacecraft’s Other Goal: Space Walks For Tourists wayback machine: http://www.nidsci.org/bios/bigelow.php http://www.aliendave.com/UUFOH-TheRanch3.html
aka: Colonel Friend Air Force Major. One-time head of Project Blue Book. Alleged co-author with of the alleged Report 13 which Bill Moore and Bill English claimed to have seen.
Working for the Rand Corporation, James Lipp wrote one of two scientific overviews for the final report on Project Sign (later called Project Grudge and Project Blue Book), which was completed in February 1949 and classified Secret. “This may have been the first U.S. government sponsored study of non-human life in the universe,” writes skeptic […]
Nazi rocket scientist. Correspondent of Jack Parsons Invented the V1 and V2 rockets which were used against London during World War II. The V2 was the world’s first ballistic missle. After the war, he was brought to America to work on the space program. Instrumental in developing the Saturn V booster rocket that would eventually […]
An early Air Force project investigating UFOs. Declassified on July 23, 1997, Project Grudge was originally released in August of 1949 as a SECRET Technical Report (NO 102-AC 49/15-100) by the headquarters of the Air Materiel Command, Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton Ohio. Approved by Lt. Col. Hemstreet and Col. Watson, it is 406 pages long […]
Founded November 4, 1952. Budget-wise, the NSA is the largest single American government agency, though the exact budget itself is classified. NSA security awareness poster: < h4>Links < h4> wiki: National_Security_Agency wiki: NSA_warrantless_surveillance_controversy EFF: How the NSA’s Domestic Spying Program Works NSA Security Awareness Posters NSA: Print and Construct Your Own Cipher Disk
In early July of 1947, something crashed in the desert about 40 miles outside of the town of Roswell, on the ranch of Mac Brazel. The wreckage (weather balloon/atomic test detection device/wayward UFO and/or its accompanying alien corpses) was first taken to Roswell Army Air Field, which at the time was the site of the […]
The CIA’s first official interest in UFO’s, a change of attitute provoked in part by the Robertson Report. Members of the Panel were: Dr. H.P. Robertson, head of the Panel Dr. Samuel A Goudsmit Dr. Lloyd V Berkner Dr. Luis Alvarez Dr. Thorton L Page Associate members: Dr. J Allen Hynek Frederick C Durant III, […]
Lieutenant-Colonel John Bevan, a stockbroker who became head of the London Controlling Section. Dennis Wheatley described Bevan as “a rather frail-looking man of medium build with sleepy pale blue eyes and thin fair hair which turned gray from the strain of the remarkable work he accomplished”. wiki: Upon his arrival the LCS was struggling to […]
Part of a disinformation group set up during World War II, code-named the “Martians”. The LCS was set up in Churchill’s personal headquarters and was skilled in “Special Means” weaponry. The chief of the LCS was Colonel John Bevan, who had the title “Controller of Deception.” Other members included Wing Commander Dennis Wheatley of the […]
Howard Percy “Bob” Robertson (January 27, 1903 – August 26, 1961) was an American mathematician and physicist known for contributions related to physical cosmology and the uncertainty principle. He was Professor of Mathematical Physics at the California Institute of Technology and Princeton University. In 1943, he was asked to investigate if the German flying bomb […]
UFO documentary film maker. Worked with DAVA. Music composer for Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp, a live-action Saturday morning series featured a cast of talking chimpanzees. see also: Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson AFB References wiki: Lancelot_Link,_Secret_Chimp hidden experience: Hangar 18 and predictive weirdness Paranormal TV – Bob Emenegger on UFO Documentaries
One of the first modern contactees. Author of The White Sands Incident. On July 4, 1950, Fry was working at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico as an employee of the AeroJet Corperation. In the evening he took a walk into the desert, and at one point though he saw the stars disappearing. […]
Near Dayton, Ohio. Site of the Air Force Technical Intelligence Division. The base of Project Blue Book. Allegedly the place where the humanoid alien bodies from the Roswell UFO crash were taken. The location of UFO wreckage itself was allegedly brought and kept under guard for years. References http://www.wpafb.af.mil/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wright-Patterson-Air-Force-Base
aka: WVOV, Point Pleasant Depot associated with the Mothman incidents from pointpleasantwv.org: During the years of operation of WVOW, Point Pleasant was a boom-town. Chemists, scientists, engineers, electricians, plumbers, masons, heavy construction crews, and laborers representing nearly every building trade were required for the rapid buildup. Workers from all over the country converged on this […]
Inventor of the rotor for the Bell helicopter. Apparently a believer in the ‘aliens-in-secret-underground-bases’ theory as advocated by Bill Cooper. (Revelations, 87)
founded in 1947
Italian Masonic Vatican fascist masonic conspiracy, involved in a plot to overthrow the Italian government. It’s kind of complicated… Some people involved: Licio Gelli (” the puppetmaster”) Venerable Master of Propaganda Due Michele Sindona – Pope Paul VI’s banker and confident. Banker for the Mafia Roberto Calvi (“God’s Banker”) – found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge […]
Eisenhower’s Special Assistant for National Security. The first person appointed to the newly created position of National Security Advisor Robert Cutler allegedly wrote an unsigned memo to General Nathan Twining on July 14, 1954 regarding the scheduling of a July 16 “MJ-12 SSP” presidential briefing. This memo — the only corroborating document of the existence […]
An Air Force project set up in the summer of 1949 to attempt to photograph and track the mysterious green fireballs seen around military compounds in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area. Dr. Edward Teller, who was then working on the hydrogen bomb, was one of the witnesses to these fireballs. (Peebles, 32-33) References project1947: Project […]
Project Sign personnel in the T-2 Conference Room at Wright-Patterson AFB (1948). Personnel from the left around the table: Lt. Col. Malcolm Seashore, chief of the Material Command Intelligence Technical Analysis (MCIAT) Unidentifiable person blocked by Seashore Lt. Col. J.J. Hausman Col. Howard McCoy, director of Air Material Command T-2 Intelligence Division Believed to be […]