
Claude Vorilhon
see: Rael Vorilhon was a French pop start, race car driver, and auto reviewer until 1973, at which point he became the leader of a new age, neo-fascist UFO sex cult (the Raelians)
see: Rael Vorilhon was a French pop start, race car driver, and auto reviewer until 1973, at which point he became the leader of a new age, neo-fascist UFO sex cult (the Raelians)
Founder of the Scientology Celebrity Centre in Hollywood. Death By Devotion: Tragic Tale of Scientology Celebrity Centre Brainchild Yvonne Jentzsch alt.religion.scientology – Yvonne Jentzsch, founder of Celebrity Centre, abandoned & forgotten by the cult scientolipedia : Remembrances_of_Yvonne
(SETI) The offical scientific search for aliens. Based on the Drake Equation, their search focuses on the communication traces of advanced civilizations. SETI signal analysis was one of the first distributed network applications using the Internet to harness to idle processor cycles of thousands of home computers References
Grew up in Pasadena. One time initiate in the AMORC. Alleged lone assassin of Robert F. Kennedy. On June 5, 1968, Sirhan fired a gun in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. However the Los Angeles coroner Thomas Noguchi found that according to the bullet trajectory and the power burns to Kennedy’s […]
An occult group founded in the early 50’s by American Nazi party leader, William Dudley Pelley. References
Founded in February 1954 in Los Angeles, California by Ernest L. Norman (1904–1971)[2] and his wife Ruth E. Norman (1900–1993). UNARIUS is an acronym for UNivesal ARticulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science. UNARIUS is a group founded around the Archangel Charles Spaegel — the body which holds the now-reformed spirit of Satan, who was healed by […]
According to Mr. Light, he traveled with several witnesses to Muroc (Edwards) Air Force Base on April 15, 1954 to examine five spacecraft. A letter to his friend Meade Layne: Gerald Light 10545 Scenario Lane Los Angeles, California My dear friends: I have just returned from Muroc. The report is true — devastatingly true! I […]
A group founded by Rael (aka: Claude Vorilhon) in 1973 in France. The symbol of the Raelian organization was a swastika inside a star of David. Now it’s a swirly snowflake inside a Star of David (see Valencia) Clonaid — a company founded by the Raelians in 1997 — claimed that a cloned baby girl […]
aka: St. Paul, Saul On a dark desert highway, cool wind in his hair, the warm smell of colitas rising up through the air, Saul, persecutor of Christians, was making his way towards Damascus. But up ahead in the distance he saw a shimmering light. Saul’s head grew heavy, and his sight grew dim. He […]
A tenacious anti-semitic hoax. Because of it’s influence on Nazi beliefs, it is arguably the most deadly hoax in history. The text was based on several sources including Maurice Joly’s A Dialogue in Hell: Conversations between Machiavelli and Montesquieu about Power and Right (which had nothing to do with Jews), and the anti-semitic novel Biarritz […]
from Scientology A term meaning “agitated” or “disturbed.” References
(ETH) An explanation for UFOs and alien contact which suggests that they’re physical beings which travel in physical spacecraft which cross inconceivably vast inter-stellar distances before suddenly malfunctioning and crashing on Earth in the middle of nowhere. Other hypotheses attempt to explain alien contact phenomena by means of direct interaction with human consciousness, particularly through […]
Leader of the Reunification Church (“Moonies”) Owner of the right-wing propaganda mouthpiece, the Washington Times. On March 23, 2004, in the Dirksen Senate Office Building of the United States Senate, Moon was coroneted and declared the Messiah. References
The original English translator of the infamous hoax, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which he based on Sergei Nilus’s Russian edition. Marsden’s translation was first published by The Britons Publishing Society, London, in 1921. Marsden’s version has been frequently reissued, under an array of titles. References wiki: Victor_E._Marsden David Dickerson: The Protocols of the […]
Renowned arch-skeptic associated with CSICOP. Former avionics editor of Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine. He has been a vociferous and reliable opponent of anything inexplicable related to UFOs or alien contact. Often a strong advocate of The Ol’ Ball Lightning Theory as the root cause of many sightings.
Linda Moulton Howe (b. Jan 20, 1942, in Boise, Idaho) Miss Idaho, 1963 Environmentalist Conspiracy theorist Examines UFO phenomena from the angle of cattle mutilation and human abduction References wiki: Linda_Moulton_Howe Silver Screen Saucers, When Hollywood Wanted “A Strange Harvest, Linda Moulton Howe
Admiral. Head of the CIA – 1947-195 Sat on the Board of Directors of NICAP. Member of MJ-12 Once declared that it is imperative that we learn what UFOs are and where they come from (Messengers, 202) References
An American astronomer from the University of New Mexico and a pioneer in the study of meteors. On July 10th, 1947, while driving with his wife and children near Fort Sumner, New Mexico, La Paz reported seeing a huge elliptical object in the sky. From Life magazine, April 7, 1952. “HAVE WE VISITORS FROM SPACE?” […]
On September 19, 1961 in the White Mountains area of New Hampshire, the Hills saw an object that looked like a star getting closer. Looking at the object through binoculars, Barney saw humanoids looking at them through the windows of a disk-shaped craft. Frightened, they got in their car and drove away, and a few […]
aka: DAVA Located at Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino, until Norton’s closure in the late 80s
(September 8, 1882 – May 12, 1961) Director of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation in Vista, California. An early researcher of ufology and parapsychology, best known for proposing an early version of the interdimensional hypothesis to explain flying saucer sightings. Prior to his public work studying ufos, Layne was professor at the University of Southern California, […]
Frank Critzer in his room beneath Giant Rock George Van Tassel gave Critzer money and supplies when he came to his father’s Santa Monica auto repair shop. Critzer promised Van Tassel a percentage of his find. A year later Van Tassel received a letter from Critzer with crude directions: “take one of five straight roads […]
A site on the surface of Mars where a huge face supposedly stares straight up into the sky in a particular set of Viking photographs. NASA says its a trick of light and shadow which doesn’t show up again in other photos. Richard Hogland claims that everyone at NASA is covering up the truth about […]
CERES An organization which studies crop circles.
The pseudonym of the anonymous biographer of Jack Parsons who wrote Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons. Carter describes Parsons from the perspective of a detailed knowledge of magickal practice.
Edward Uhler Condon (March 2, 1902 – March 26, 1974) Nuclear physicist, a pioneer in quantum mechanics, and developer of radar and nuclear weapons during World War II as part of the Manhattan Project. The Franck–Condon principle and the Slater–Condon rules are co-named after him. Director of the National Bureau of Standards from 1945 to […]
Robert Spencer Carr (March 26, 1909 – April 28, 1994) Director of Educational Research, Walt Disney Studios Lecturer In Mass Communication, University of South Florida Science fiction author First reporter of the Aztec New Mexico UFO Crash on February 13 1948. According to Jaques Vallee, Carr was a lecturer in mass communication at the University […]
from wikipedia: reptilian humanoid Modern claims Disinformation agent David Icke and others have claimed that U.S. President George W. Bush and his family are shapeshifting Reptilian aliens. John Rhodes established the Research Center in 1997 to collect, review and present evidence of reptoid activity. Rhodes contends that reptoids are descendants of the dinosaurs and […]
CSI-LA A UFO study group in California, active from around 1952 – 1954 LIFE Magazine – April 7, 1952: “Civilian Saucer Investigations” was organized by Sighter Ed J. Sullivan (standing), who urges other sighters to write to P.O. Box 1971, Main Post Office, Los Angeles. CSI includes Dr. Walter Riedel (behind Sullivan), who was chief […]
<img src=’’ alt=’harold dahl’s dog (played by actor)’ /> Harold Dahl’s dog (as played by actor) Harold Dahl’s dog is among of the few deaths directly attributed to a UFO encounter. Dahl’s dog was the alleged victim of a malfunctioning UFO which also wounded Dahl’s son. If the Maury Island Incident was a hoax (as […]
a first-person shooter arcade game in which the S.T.A.R. commando team goes in to a secret military base which has been overrun by evil homicidal aliens
A dry lakebed in Nevada near Las Vegas. Location of Nellis Air Force Base and test ranges (aka: Area 51, Dreamland)
Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) Founded by Dr. J Allen Hynek in 1973, serving as its scientific director until his death in 1986. References wiki: CUFOS
Rev. Dr. William Franklin Graham, Jr. Close with every President of the last half century. Graham presided over the graveside services for former president Lyndon B. Johnson in 1973 and took part in eulogizing the former president with former Texas Democratic governor John Connally, an LBJ protégé and fellow Texan who was wounded in the […]
Sixth president of John’s Hopkins University. Exobiology expert of Majestic 12. According to the MJ-12 documents, Dr. Bronk coined the term Extraterrestrial Biological Entity, or EBE.
Sir Edward George Bulwer-Lytton (b:1803 – d:1873) Author of the world’s most famous opening line, from the novel Paul Clifford (1830): It was a dark and stormy night and the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for […]
Joseph Daniel Casolaro Researcher into the grand unified “octopus” of the global secret government (one tentacle of which was MJ-12). Casolaro went on a trip to meet someone who claimed to be a very important source… His body was found in a hotel bathtub with both his wrists brutally slashed down to the tendons, and […]
According to Jacques Vallee, Paul Bennewitz was “a respected physicist who managed a small electronics company close to Kirtland Air Force Base. Hypnotized by Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Bennewitz began relating increasingly extreme experiences of abductees and aliens. His “memories” included seeing body parts floating in vats of amniotic fluid in secret laboratories beneath , Dulce, […]
Also: heisenbug, Bohr bug, mandelbug, schroedinbug David Marusek, Getting to Know You (Asimov’s Mar 1998) About a woman and her new computerized personal assistant, or ‘bug’, that quickly learns more about her tastes, habits, and motives than she anticipates. Marusek made a splash with his 1995 novella We Were Out of Minds with Joy; this […]
The planet which Truman Bethurum claimed his alien visitors came from. Clarion is apparently hidden from the Earth on the opposite side of the sun. (Messengers of Deception, 39) Not to be confused with Planet Claire. For the love of all that is holy, do not mistake them. References wiki: Counter-Earth wiki: B-52s – Planet_Claire […]