
Deseret alphabet
short lived phonetic English-language spelling reform proposed by the Mormons
short lived phonetic English-language spelling reform proposed by the Mormons
Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr (b: Sep 8, 1922 – ) Ultraconservative, homophobic, anti-semitic, neo-fascist, loon. Convicted felon (mail fraud, tax-evasion, conspiracy) Former member of the Communist Party. For several decades, he has run for President as a self-proclaimed Democrat, including his 1996 run from prison. (He did not win) He has espoused an array of […]
In the lingo of Lyndon LaRouche, stands for: New Dark Ages Also: Non-Disclosure Agreement
(1548-February 17, 1600) Italian philosopher, priest, astronomer/astrologer, and occultist. Bruno is perhaps best known for his system of mnemonics and as an early proponent of the idea of extra-solar planets and extraterrestrial life. Burned at the stake as a heretic for his theological ideas, Bruno is seen as a martyr to the cause of free […]
(d: April 24th 1965) One of the first American UFO contactees,”very influential upon all subsequent contactees and UFO contact literature. He claimed he saw his first saucer on October 9, 1946 — a black object like a giant dirigible. Thia was the year Maury Island Incident — Adamski he said he saw a long procession […]
Gnostic high-priestess See also: priory of sion References wikipedia: Mary Magdalene
An anti-Catholic painting by renowned heretic Leonardo da Vinci. The imagery de-emphasizes the the bread and wine, while strongly emphasizing the role of Mary in the Christian religion. Mary (?) also is literally holding a knife to Saint Peter, founder of the Roman Church. “Cripes!” says Peter with his hands up. “Da dame’s got a […]
Artist, scientist, alchemist, anatomist, sacreligious pervert, arms dealer, naughty boy. The over-hyped version of Athanasius Kirchner Alleged Grand Master of the Priory of Sion Alleged to have created the shroud of turin using photochemicals, a camera obscura, and a beaten corpse. In his painting of The Last Supper, Mary Magdalene’s seven foot long arm is […]
A recruitment-only sub-organization within Scientology. (that’s David Miscavige in the front) Members of the Sea Org sign an employment contract with the organization for one billion years. Sea Org members, in accordance with Scientology beliefs, are expected to return to the Sea Org when they are reborn. (The slogan of the Sea Org is, “We […]
(1235 — June 29, 1315) aka: Ramon Llull, Raymond Lully, Raimundus or Raymundus Lullus Around 1275, Llull designed a method, which he first published in full in his Ars generalis ultima or Ars magna (1305), of combining attributes selected from a number of lists. It was intended as a debating tool for winning Muslims to […]
The image on the Shroud has the quality of a photographic negative. The image is only on the surface of the cloth, there’s a high degree of anatomical detail combined with optical distortion, and negative reversals of the image on the Shroud are famously more clear than the Shroud itself (as one would expect when […]
aka: Priory of Zion A secret organization spanning centuries, or perhaps millennia, who consider themselves guardians of the Holy Grail, or the Holy Blood. Or something. The Priory is aassociated with the alleged progeney of Mary Magdalene. The Priory’s list of grand masters are known by the old French title Nautononnier, meaning “navigator”or “helmsman.” The […]
The I Am Activity of the Saint Germain foundation, which began what is known today as the I Am movement, is a new religious movement started by Guy Ballard in 1930. I AM had distinctly fascist connections: in addition to their appeal to the superior wisdom of the Great White Brotherhood, the membership of I […]
aka: Godfre Ray King Founder and Leader of the movement. Author of Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence. Guy Ballard was associated with the mysterious immortal occult figure Saint Germain. References wikipedia: Guy Ballard
final states… relationship to code and erasure… from What Aristotle Didn’t Know About Sex and Death by Ronald de Sousa: (T)he one type of cell that does appear capable to reproduce itself forever, apart from sex cells and unicellular organisms, are cancer cells. Cancer cells, we might say, go on reproducing for their own sake, […]
Founded by George Adamski during prohibition in the 1930s, it’s holy rituals involved ceremonial wine. It’s been suggested that Adamski got into flying saucers and alien contact after prohibition ended, making his license to make wine for religious purposes at the “monastery” far less lucrative. (Peebles, 113). References
aka:Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, Singing Eagle (Nahuatl name) The fifty-seven year old Aztec indian who was contacted by the Virgin of Guadalupe. Diego’s tilma or cape bears her famous image and hangs over the high altar in the basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. (Magonia, 138) Juan Diego was canonized on July 31, […]
(SDI) aka: Star Wars Because these systems would be useless against any genuine human threat, some suspect that they are actually alien defense weapons. This theory makes about as much sense of as the theories espoused by other high-profile Star Wars supporters. Lyndon LaRouche may have helped influence the Regan administration to support SDI (New […]
from Scientology According to the Scientology Technical Dictionary — a Suppressive Person (SP) is: 1. A person who rewards only down statistics and never rewards an up statistic. He goofs up or vilifies any effort to help anybody and particularly knifes with violence anything calculated to make human beings more powerful or intelligent. A suppressive […]
Mountain north of San Diego. Location of the Palomar Observatory. George Adamski claimed his first alien contact was here. In Alchemical Conspiracy and the Death of the West”Michael Hoffman writes of Parsons. Hoffman tells us that the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) had a temple on nearby Mount Palomar. The local Indians regarded the mountain as […]
He seemed like a nice guy at the time… See also keys of enoch References wiki: Enoch_(ancestor_of_Noah) LDS: Enoch
Author of the novel Neuromancer (1984) which coined the term cyberspace. This neologism — and the Neuromancer trilogy’s themes of a hidden universe driven by the suicidal evolution of godlike (insect-like?) beings — made Gibson unwitting posterchild/godfather of “cyberpunk”.
The term postmodern epistemology is often used from a religious perspective to critique philosophies which don’t subscribe to the idea of a single universal Truth. The return critique is that a belief in a single Truth is usually a result of willful blindness which ignores the complexity of reality in favor of the warm comfort […]
Manly Palmer Hall Prolific occult author Founder of the Philosophical Research Society Raised as a Mason on November 22, 1954 (Jewel Lodge No. 374) References Manly Palmer Hall – Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon PRS Research Library
Carol S. Matthews: In 1973, maverick linguist, alleged CIA consultant, occultist and nouveau Egyptologist, J.J. Hurtak, according to his account, had been “lifted up” in a body of light into a region of stars called Merak and Muscida by the Master Ophanim Enoch. Enoch, answering a prayerful plea from Hurtak, had come to deliver a […]
Occasionalism is a philosophical theory about causation which says that neither matter nor mind can be a true cause of events. Instead, all events are taken to be caused by God. The theory states that the constant conjunction between causes and effects only occurs because in every instance where the cause is present, God wills […]
Prophet and central icon of the Church of the SubGenius. The resemblance to Military-Industrial Overlord Vannevar Bush is uncanny…. References wikipedia: J.-R.-Bob-Dobbs
aka: OT III from Scientology Below is the first page of the OT III course — a handwritten note by L Ron Hubbard — describing the history of Earth. Scientologists must spend years and pay thousands of dollars to reach the point where they are allowed to see the OT III texts. They believe that […]
Offices of the Latter-day Saint Melchizedek priesthood If an adult man joins the Church, he may be called and ordained to hold the lesser Aaronic Priesthood (if he is morally worthy) by those in the Church with authority to do so. After a period of time (usually one year) the man may be called and […]
Science fiction author Drug-addled gnostic Would-be android References ET Archon Navigator
aka: The Widow’s Son, The Master Builder Hiram was the architect of the Temple of Solomon. When he refused to reveal his secrets, he was slain by his three assistants: Julbela, Jubelo, and Jubelum. Much of the ritual in Freemasonry revolves around this martyrdom.
aka: Meter, Electrometer from Scientology An ohmmeter which measures galvanometric skin response (essentially a cheap lie detector). It is used in Scientology auditing to locate overts, body thetans, and . Through this process of auditing, one can becomeclear.
Moroni was the name of a half-naked angel who made a triple appearance in Joseph Smith’s bedroom one night. Moroni’s visit eventually lead to the foundation of the Church of Latter-Day Saints), a group popularly known as the Mormons. Although it probably has nothing to do with the time Jesus Christ spent in upstate New […]
(b. March 13, 1911 in Tilden, Nebraska — d.January 24, 1986 in Creston, California) Pulp science fiction author Navy lieutenant (repeatedly deemed unfit for command) Crowleyan adept in the OTO Bigamist, with Sara Northrup (former girlfriend of Jack Parsons Convicted felon (sentenced for fraud in France) Chronic sufferer of arthritis, bursitis, and conjunctivitis Founder of […]
A religion founded by L Ron Hubbard who based it partially on Aleister Crowley’s philosophy and imagery. According to L Ron Hubbard Jr, his father said that Scientology actually began on December 1st, 1947 — the day Aleister Crowley died. Rose Cross of the Golden Dawn and the Scientology Cross: According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica: […]
Rael was once a French Journalist named Claude Vorilhon, who was contacted by “Elohim” and became the leader of the Raelian sect. The Raelians claim to be in extraterrestrial contact, and are preparing for the return of the aliens to Earth by building an embassy. From the Raelian website: On the 13th of December 1973, […]
Founder of the American branch of the Order of Melchizedek. In 1889, he moved to California and created a mystical center on 260 acres overlooking the American River near Applegate in Placer County. He died in 1916. (Messengers of Deception, 127) References wiki: Melchizedek priesthood (Latter Day Saints)
(b. December 23, 1805 – d. June 27, 1844) Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (aka: Mormons)
i could explain it to you, but then i’d have to kill you…
Thirty million years ago, Xenu was the genocidal dictator of the Earth, which was then known as Teegeeack. L Ron Hubbard also spelled the supreme dictator’s name as Xemu — both spellings were apparently correct in ancient times. References wiki: Xenu Village Voice: Why Do Scientologists Accept the Xenu Story?