
Clair George

Clair Elroy George (August 3, 1930 – August 11, 2011) One of the CIA’s earliest recruits. He specialized in turning agents to spy on their own countries for the United States. George served as the CIA’s station chief in Beirut when civil war erupted there in 1975. Deputy director for operations (DDO) of the Central […]



June (21): Maury Island Incident July: Roswell Incident July 26: National Security Act of 1947 signed by CIA established September 9, 1947 — First computer bug found in relay 70, panel F of the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator December 1 — Aleister Crowley died December 30 — Project Sign founded to officially investigate UFOs


Alice in Wonderland

from “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation” (CIA torture guide) dated July 1963: The aim of the Alice in Wonderland or confusion technique is to confound the expectations and conditioned reactions of the interrogatee. He is accustomed to a world that makes some sense, at least to him: a world of continuity and logic, a predictable world. He […]


James Casbolt

drug mule conspiracy theorist disinformation agent Casbolt believes that alien-human reptoid hybrids are living in underground bases and drinking the blood of innocent children. He believes that British intelligence runs all the other governments of the world, along with the global drug trade. He believes the London train bombings in 2004 were fake and the […]


Site R

Alternate Joint Communications Center at Raven Rock aka: Harry’s Hole, The Underground Pentagon Site R is believed to be the ‘undisclosed location’ of Vice-President Dick Cheney. Home to one of the two locations of the so-called shadow government — where, since Sept. 11, senior government officials have been taking turns living underground, waiting to run […]


Luis W Alvarez

Developed the atomic detonators for the Manhattan Project. Was on board the Enola Gay as it dropped the bomb. Pushed for the development of thermo-nuclear weapons. Together with J. Allen Hynek he was a member of the January 1953 Durant Panel Report in which the recent UFO waves were debunked as paranoia and considered no […]


cattle mutilation

In an “authentic” mutilation, the animal’s sexual organs are removed and the anus is cored out with laser-like precision. Often, an eye, tongue or patch of skin is removed. Blood, footprints and tire tracks are noticeably absent. References wiki: Cattle_mutilation


The Case for UFOs

Published by Morris Jessup in 1955. The nearly legendary annotated edition with notes inscribed by Carlos Allende (Carl Allen) was printed for the Naval Research Office in an edition of 200 by the Varo Manufacturing Company of Garland, Texas. A transcription of the Varo edition of this book with Allende’s notes is available at Obscurantist […]


Bill Moore

William L Moore Well-known UFOlogist, especially prominent in the 1980’s. Bears resemblance to a bearded Fox Mulder. He co-authored several books with Charles Berlitz, including The Roswell Incident — the first book written about the alleged Roswell UFO crash/retrieval Bill Moore was a central figure in the release of the controversial Majestic 12 documents. He […]


Bill Cooper

William Milton Cooper aka: Will Cooper, Milton Cooper Author of Behold a Pale Horse (1991), a popular superconspiracy. He claimed to have all the inside info on the government UFO cover-up including the four types of aliens, the American treaty of 1964, and the secret base on the dark”side of the moon. In later years, […]


Maury Island Incident

One of the first and most totemic episodes of the modern UFO era. On or around June 21, 1947, something may or may not have happened involving a malfunctioning UFO, a dead dog, nuclear waste, Men in Black and a brutal cover-up… To some in the UFO community, the Maury Island Incident is still highly […]


Last Supper

An anti-Catholic painting by renowned heretic Leonardo da Vinci. The imagery de-emphasizes the the bread and wine, while strongly emphasizing the role of Mary in the Christian religion. Mary (?) also is literally holding a knife to Saint Peter, founder of the Roman Church. “Cripes!” says Peter with his hands up. “Da dame’s got a […]


Richard Shaver

Richard Sharpe Shaver (b. 1907 Berwick, Pennsylvania, d. 1975 Summit, Arkansas) With Richard Shaver revealed/created the . This mythology described the and Tero at war with each other beneath the surface of the Earth. His accounts published in Amazing Stories formed the basis of the modern UFO mythology. According to Shaver, humans were constantly suffering […]


Dulce Base

[ WARNING: Information in this post has been Damaged ] Dulce Base is the name for a secret underground facility in or near Dulce, New Mexico where alien hybrids drink the blood of babies and they never ever take out the trash. Many details of the lore surrounding the Dulce base [ERROR] ”vast underground bases […]



A term suggested by CAiiA-STAR, as a replacement term for paranoia. Telenoia suggests a move away from anxiety and fear in the face of the increasing integration of corporate information technologies with the human body. Ascott instead advocates an attempt to create new artistic models for consciousness and social organization in a environment of surveillance […]



A hypothetical machine described by Dr. in his July 1945 article in the Atlantic Monthly, As We May Think. The memex would be able to link any piece of data to any other at will, thereby building trails of information in conformity with the of the User. Bush’s description of in the memex is considered […]



aka: MK-ULTRA, Project MKULTRA CIA mind control program of the 50’s and 60’s. One of its most spectacular aspects (as revealed in Congressional testimony) were the lurid Federally-funded brothel/laboratories in San Francisco and New York. CIA-backed prostitutes would lure random men from bars and surreptitiously dose them with LSD, all under the watchful eye of […]



In Greek, παράνοια the root words are para (outside, beside) and nous = (mind) Clinically, this could imply any set of delusional beliefs. Poetically, it suggests a “mind beside itself.” It was used in this sense by Salvador Dali when he described his creative process as the Paranoiac Critical Method. An “outside mind” is also […]



An acausal connecting principle. Described by Carl Jung as “temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events.” A “meaningful coincidence” that cannot be explained by direct causality. It differs from coincidence in that synchronicity implies not just happenstance, but an underlying pattern or dynamic that is being expressed through meaningful relationships or events. see also: associative indexing […]


associative indexing

The form of information organization most famously described by Vannevar Bush in his July 1945 essay “As We May Think,” as the storage method of his hypothetical device, the memex. This description is often considered the first description of hypertext. Bush described associative indexing as the way the mind naturally works, making it a more […]



The experience of seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad, who defined it as the unmotivated seeing of connections accompanied by a specific experience of an “abnormal meaningfulness.” Conrad originally described this phenomenon in relation to the distortion of reality present in psychosis, but […]


April 20

570 – Muhammad born 1889 – Adolf Hitler born 1893 – Joan Miró born 1912 – Bram Stoker dies 1953 – MKULTRA 1970 – Earth Day 1979 – President Carter attacked by Rabbit 1985 – ATF raid on The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord compound 1992 – Benny Hill dies 1999 […]



Thelema means “will” in Greek. It’s the principle behind the magick systems of Aleister Crowley Book of Law, Chapter 1, Verse 40: 40. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. […]


National Institute for Discovery Science

The National Institute for Discovery Science was founded by Bigelow Robert as a way to channel funds into the proper scientific study of paranormal phenomena. They were very interested in cattle mutilation and for a while they were the FAA’s sole recipient for black triangle reports. Most famously they bought Skinwalker Ranch”in Utah 1996. Rumors […]


Douglas Eugenio

On October 12, 1963, just before dawn it was raining hard between the villages of Monte Maiz and Isla Verde in Argentina. Douglas was driving his truck with a load of coal when a bright light like headlights bore down on him. The light became so bright, he had to pull off the road and […]


Postmodern Epistemology

The term postmodern epistemology is often used from a religious perspective to critique philosophies which don’t subscribe to the idea of a single universal Truth. The return critique is that a belief in a single Truth is usually a result of willful blindness which ignores the complexity of reality in favor of the warm comfort […]


Paranoiac-Critical Method

A surrealist creative method described by Salvador Dali in the 1930s. Paranoiac-critical activity organizes and objectivizes in an exclusivist manner the limitless and unknown possibilities of the systematic association of subjective and objective ‘significance’ in the irrational… spontaneous method of irrational knowledge based on the critical and systematic objectivity of the associations and interpretations of […]


National Security Agency

Founded November 4, 1952. Budget-wise, the NSA is the largest single American government agency, though the exact budget itself is classified. NSA security awareness poster: < h4>Links < h4> wiki: National_Security_Agency wiki: NSA_warrantless_surveillance_controversy EFF: How the NSA’s Domestic Spying Program Works NSA Security Awareness Posters NSA: Print and Construct Your Own Cipher Disk


From the Jorge Luis Borges story, Tlon, Uqbar, Orbus Tertius…. Tlön is a false world which becomes real through the operation of a mysterious conspiratorial group of false-history creators. The contact and the habit of Tlön have disintegrated this world. Enchanted by its rigor, humanity forgets over and again that it is a rigor of […]



aka: The Dog Star. The brightest star in the sky, so it gets a lot of attention. The name “Sirius” is derived from the Ancient Greek: Σείριος Seirios (“glowing” or “scorcher”). Sirius is also known colloquially as the “Dog Star”, reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Greater Dog). The heliacal rising of Sirius […]


Thomas F Mantell

On 7 January 1948, 25 year old Kentucky Air National Guard pilot, Captain Thomas F. Mantell, died while in pursuit of an unidentified flying object near Fort Knox. The so-called Mantell Incident is among the most publicised and infamous UFO reports of the early modern era. The Air Force’s J Allen Hynek suggested he had […]


Roswell Incident

In early July of 1947, something crashed in the desert about 40 miles outside of the town of Roswell, on the ranch of Mac Brazel. The wreckage (weather balloon/atomic test detection device/wayward UFO and/or its accompanying alien corpses) was first taken to Roswell Army Air Field, which at the time was the site of the […]


Joe Simonton

A chicken farmer who lived alone in the vicinity of Eagle River, Wisconsin. He was about sixty years old when a flying saucer landed in his front yard. On April 18, 1961 at about 11AM, he heard a noise outside his house like “knobby tires on wet pavement.” Outside was a silvery object the shape […]


Plan 9 from Outer Space

aka: Graverobbers From Outer Space, Revenge of the Dead Joanna Lee as Tanna and Dudley Manlove as Eros Repeatedly voted by critics as the worst movie ever made and usually digested with choruses of derisive laughter, the magnum opus of director Ed Wood contains far too much truth for most people to comfortably face. Plan […]



One of many references to Majestic 12 According to Bill Cooper, MAJI stands for Majestic Agency for Joint Intelligence. Also: a reference to the “wise men” in the Bible.