
Used for scrying. See Also: John Dee Joseph Smith
Used for scrying. See Also: John Dee Joseph Smith
A Renaissance book with 250 pages of seemingly encoded text and emblems which has stumped cyptographers for centuries. The most likely theory is that it actually contains no meaning — it was just a gorgeous hoax by Edward Kelley. References http://www.voynich.nu/ http://www.cs.keele.ac.uk/km/blog/?p=18 http://www.sciam.com/article… http://www.nature.com/news/2003/031215/pf/031215-5_pf.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/stoke/features/2004/02/voynich.shtml
The unicursal hexagram is so-called because it can be drawn in one continuous movement. The triangles are also often used to represent opposites such as fire and water or male and female, so the unifying of the symbol into one represents the union of opposites. This is also significant in ritual magick, where a continuous […]
aka: The Order of Perfectibilists, Bavarian Illuminati An organization in Bavaria founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt based on recruitment from prestegious Masonic lodges. Disbanded by the Bavarian government in the mid-1780’s when it was declaired an outlaw organization. Or perhaps it just relocated and/or went underground. The Illuminati have occasionally been blamed […]
(1548-February 17, 1600) Italian philosopher, priest, astronomer/astrologer, and occultist. Bruno is perhaps best known for his system of mnemonics and as an early proponent of the idea of extra-solar planets and extraterrestrial life. Burned at the stake as a heretic for his theological ideas, Bruno is seen as a martyr to the cause of free […]
Project RAINBOW is the name of two separate alleged United States secret military projects in the 20th Century, both concerned with stealth and radar invisibility. At least one recent, anonymous, writer in the UFO/conspiracy underground has linked the two projects, though this is by no means considered a mainstream viewpoint. The near-mythical 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, […]
The Montauk Project was purportedly a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero and/or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island. The Montauk Project is believed by small numbers of people to be an extension or continuation of the controversial Philadelphia Experiment, which supposedly took place October 28, 1943. Believed […]
An anonymous wit on the AP wire added this term to Kenneth Arnold‘s description of the skipping disks” he saw near Mount Rainer in 1947. The term has been with us ever since. See also: ufo References wikipedia:flying saucer
(1235 — June 29, 1315) aka: Ramon Llull, Raymond Lully, Raimundus or Raymundus Lullus Around 1275, Llull designed a method, which he first published in full in his Ars generalis ultima or Ars magna (1305), of combining attributes selected from a number of lists. It was intended as a debating tool for winning Muslims to […]
(May 2, 1602 — November, 28 1680) Scientific superstar. 17th century German Jesuit scholar who published around 40 works, most notably in the fields of oriental studies, geology and medicine. He made an early study of Egyptian hieroglyphs. One of the first people to observe microbes through a microscope, he was thus ahead of his […]
The combinatory work of The combinatory work of as described and further theorized by in his early text, De Arte Combinatoria of 1666. The main idea behind the text is that of an alphabet of human thought, which is attributed to Descartes. All concepts are nothing but combinations of a relatively small number of simple […]
aka: Godfre Ray King Founder and Leader of the movement. Author of Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence. Guy Ballard was associated with the mysterious immortal occult figure Saint Germain. References wikipedia: Guy Ballard http://www.saintgermainpress.com/
final states… relationship to code and erasure… from What Aristotle Didn’t Know About Sex and Death by Ronald de Sousa: (T)he one type of cell that does appear capable to reproduce itself forever, apart from sex cells and unicellular organisms, are cancer cells. Cancer cells, we might say, go on reproducing for their own sake, […]
In Greek, παράνοια the root words are para (outside, beside) and nous = (mind) Clinically, this could imply any set of delusional beliefs. Poetically, it suggests a “mind beside itself.” It was used in this sense by Salvador Dali when he described his creative process as the Paranoiac Critical Method. An “outside mind” is also […]
aka: Master Therion, Frater Perdurabo, The Beast 666 The most renowned occult figure of the 20th century. Served as an intelligence operative for Great Britan — his Intelligence Service file is said to have read Use only with the most extreame caution.”(Messengers, 153, 192) References wikipedia: Aleister Crowley http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/index.html
(October 18, 1918-July 12, 1985) A student of Ordo Templi Orientis, which he headed from 1971 until his death in 1985. Or which he was expelled from and formed an illegitimate splinter group based upon. Depends who you ask. Associate of parsons john whiteside References Grady-McMurtry http://www.castletower.org/grady.html http://www.thelema-oto.org/93/Grady-McMurtry
The form of information organization most famously described by Vannevar Bush in his July 1945 essay “As We May Think,” as the storage method of his hypothetical device, the memex. This description is often considered the first description of hypertext. Bush described associative indexing as the way the mind naturally works, making it a more […]
Mythopoetic political historian Author of: KING-KILL/33° – Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Video by James Copp: http://www.archive.org/details/AndyCoppKINGKILL33 References http://feralhouse.com/fh-blog/archives/2007/01/rule-of-the-cry.php http://www.revisionisthistory.org/kingkill33.html http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/king-kill-33.htm
Thelema means “will” in Greek. It’s the principle behind the magick systems of Aleister Crowley Book of Law, Chapter 1, Verse 40: 40. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. […]
aka: Jack Parsons born: Marvel Whiteside Parsons (b: Oct. 2, 1914 – d: 1952 ) Founder of Jet Propulsion Lab. Founder of AreoJet. Inventor of contemporary solid rockets. High priest of the Pasadena Agape Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis. Author of Freedom Is a Two Edged Sword [ISBN 1561841161] Performed magick rituals with Lafayette […]
Mountain north of San Diego. Location of the Palomar Observatory. George Adamski claimed his first alien contact was here. In Alchemical Conspiracy and the Death of the West”Michael Hoffman writes of Parsons. Hoffman tells us that the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) had a temple on nearby Mount Palomar. The local Indians regarded the mountain as […]
An entity, described by Aleister Crowley. See also OTO References Choronzon
Manly Palmer Hall Prolific occult author Founder of the Philosophical Research Society Raised as a Mason on November 22, 1954 (Jewel Lodge No. 374) References Manly Palmer Hall – Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon PRS Research Library
aka: James J Hurtak, JJ Hurtak Founder and President of The Academy for Future Science. Egyptologist who helped find the “Osiris Tomb” in Egypt through remote sensing. Described star shafts”in the Great Pyramid. Claims to be the first to have predicted pyramidal landforms on Mars. Alleged CIA consultant Channeler/author of the Keys of Enoch References […]
Carol S. Matthews: In 1973, maverick linguist, alleged CIA consultant, occultist and nouveau Egyptologist, J.J. Hurtak, according to his account, had been “lifted up” in a body of light into a region of stars called Merak and Muscida by the Master Ophanim Enoch. Enoch, answering a prayerful plea from Hurtak, had come to deliver a […]
A surrealist creative method described by Salvador Dali in the 1930s. Paranoiac-critical activity organizes and objectivizes in an exclusivist manner the limitless and unknown possibilities of the systematic association of subjective and objective ‘significance’ in the irrational… spontaneous method of irrational knowledge based on the critical and systematic objectivity of the associations and interpretations of […]
Occasionalism is a philosophical theory about causation which says that neither matter nor mind can be a true cause of events. Instead, all events are taken to be caused by God. The theory states that the constant conjunction between causes and effects only occurs because in every instance where the cause is present, God wills […]
Full title: Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX, as delivered by XCIII=418 to DCLXVI The central sacred text of Thelema, dictated to Aleister Crowley in Cairo in 1904 by an entity he called “Aiwass.”
From the Jorge Luis Borges story, Tlon, Uqbar, Orbus Tertius…. Tlön is a false world which becomes real through the operation of a mysterious conspiratorial group of false-history creators. The contact and the habit of Tlön have disintegrated this world. Enchanted by its rigor, humanity forgets over and again that it is a rigor of […]
AKA: Thule Gesellschaft A racist occult society based on ethnic and historical Germany identity. It was founded in 17, 1918, by Rudolf von Sebottendorff, and included several prominent members of the Nazi party. The Thule Society maintained contacts with followers of Theosophy and Helena Blavatsky. Sebottendorf was also Freemason in the Grand Orient of Turkey. […]
(b. March 13, 1911 in Tilden, Nebraska — d.January 24, 1986 in Creston, California) Pulp science fiction author Navy lieutenant (repeatedly deemed unfit for command) Crowleyan adept in the OTO Bigamist, with Sara Northrup (former girlfriend of Jack Parsons Convicted felon (sentenced for fraud in France) Chronic sufferer of arthritis, bursitis, and conjunctivitis Founder of […]
In early July of 1947, something crashed in the desert about 40 miles outside of the town of Roswell, on the ranch of Mac Brazel. The wreckage (weather balloon/atomic test detection device/wayward UFO and/or its accompanying alien corpses) was first taken to Roswell Army Air Field, which at the time was the site of the […]
A religion founded by L Ron Hubbard who based it partially on Aleister Crowley’s philosophy and imagery. According to L Ron Hubbard Jr, his father said that Scientology actually began on December 1st, 1947 — the day Aleister Crowley died. Rose Cross of the Golden Dawn and the Scientology Cross: According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica: […]
One of many references to Majestic 12 According to Bill Cooper, MAJI stands for Majestic Agency for Joint Intelligence. Also: a reference to the “wise men” in the Bible.
Lieutenant-Colonel John Bevan, a stockbroker who became head of the London Controlling Section. Dennis Wheatley described Bevan as “a rather frail-looking man of medium build with sleepy pale blue eyes and thin fair hair which turned gray from the strain of the remarkable work he accomplished”. wiki: Upon his arrival the LCS was struggling to […]
Part of a disinformation group set up during World War II, code-named the “Martians”. The LCS was set up in Churchill’s personal headquarters and was skilled in “Special Means” weaponry. The chief of the LCS was Colonel John Bevan, who had the title “Controller of Deception.” Other members included Wing Commander Dennis Wheatley of the […]
Baphomet was the name of the speaking head which the Knights Templar allegedly worshiped. Some have suggested that this head — described as similar to a computer — was the secret which the Templars found, the thing which made them the most powerful economic force in Medieval Europe, and that this was the secret they […]
Revelations 17:5 – and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” This symbolic figure, probably a reference to the Roman Empire, is now commonly depicted as Wonder Woman riding a dinosaur. Which allows it to server double duty as […]
Also: Order of the Golden Dawn (disputed) Occult organization made famous by Aleister Crowley. It’s implied that their system of secret ritual was designed around contact with non-human intelligences. References http://www.rotten.com/library/conspiracy/oto/
aka: UFOBJ The term UFO was popularized by Edward J Ruppelt in the early 50’s to avoid the goofy hoaxing associations of the term flying saucer. References Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions: UFO Documents