
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
An extremely creepy account of an unknown entity staring unblinkingly through bedroom curtains.
An extremely creepy account of an unknown entity staring unblinkingly through bedroom curtains.
“under Nellis air force base there are at least 180,000 grey Zetan bio-robots that are being bred for an army as we speak”
The Mojave Desert region around Las Vegas is a renowned locus of anomie and abjection.
Maybe an alien from Sirius, maybe an inter-dimensional guardian, maybe a weird self-portrait of Aleister Crowley. Kenneth Grant thought that Lam was a big deal. References
drug mule conspiracy theorist disinformation agent Casbolt believes that alien-human reptoid hybrids are living in underground bases and drinking the blood of innocent children. He believes that British intelligence runs all the other governments of the world, along with the global drug trade. He believes the London train bombings in 2004 were fake and the […]
In an “authentic” mutilation, the animal’s sexual organs are removed and the anus is cored out with laser-like precision. Often, an eye, tongue or patch of skin is removed. Blood, footprints and tire tracks are noticeably absent. References wiki: Cattle_mutilation
[ WARNING: Information in this post has been Damaged ] Dulce Base is the name for a secret underground facility in or near Dulce, New Mexico where alien hybrids drink the blood of babies and they never ever take out the trash. Many details of the lore surrounding the Dulce base [ERROR] ”vast underground bases […]
Developed by Frank Drake in 1961 to determine the probable number of other technically advanced civilizations in a galaxy. N = number of technically advanced civilizations emitting some kind of detectable signal. R = rate of star formation averaged over the lifetime of the galaxy. FP = fraction of stars with planetary systems. NE = […]
(SDI) aka: Star Wars Because these systems would be useless against any genuine human threat, some suspect that they are actually alien defense weapons. This theory makes about as much sense of as the theories espoused by other high-profile Star Wars supporters. Lyndon LaRouche may have helped influence the Regan administration to support SDI (New […]
The bar at “Area-51” (Nellis Air Force Base) References
Wolf 424 is a binary star system comprising two red dwarf stars at a distance of approximately 14.2 light years. It is located in the constellation Virgo, between the stars Vindemiatrix and Auva. The UMMO letters claimed that this was the origin of the alien communications References wikipedia: wiki: wolf-424
On October 12, 1963, just before dawn it was raining hard between the villages of Monte Maiz and Isla Verde in Argentina. Douglas was driving his truck with a load of coal when a bright light like headlights bore down on him. The light became so bright, he had to pull off the road and […]
Since advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are so probable (, why haven’t we run into them yet? Or, as the physicist Enrico Fermi put it over lunch one day: “Where is everybody?” Some possible explainations include: These civilizations are only capable of limited interstellar travel because of fundamental physical, biological, or economic restraints. They’re aware of us […]
Alien visitors from the planet Venus. Encountered by Saucerian Convention. George Adamski’s drawing of the male Venusian Orthon:
The totally hot alien starship Capitan encountered by Truman Bethurum. Aura Rhanes came from the planet Clarion, which from the earth, always remains out of sight behind our moon. The Clarionites were smaller than humans, lived for 1000 years, and were all good Christians who attended church every Sunday. References
aka: Marcab from Scientology According to L. Ron Hubbard: Various planets united into a very vast civilization which has come forward up through the last 200,000 years, [it] is formed out of the fragments of earlier civilizations. In the last 100,000 years they have gone on with a sort of a decadent kicked-in-the-head civilization that […]
The enforcer-bot in the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still See also: klaatu References
In early July of 1947, something crashed in the desert about 40 miles outside of the town of Roswell, on the ranch of Mac Brazel. The wreckage (weather balloon/atomic test detection device/wayward UFO and/or its accompanying alien corpses) was first taken to Roswell Army Air Field, which at the time was the site of the […]
Botanist, who was allegedly brought to Area 51 to help with a sick, plant-like alien, who liked strawberry ice cream. According to Bill Cooper at the 1989 MUFON Symposium: In late 1951 EBE became ill. Medical personnel had been unable to determine the cause of EBE’s illness and had no background from which to draw. […]
aka: Graverobbers From Outer Space, Revenge of the Dead Joanna Lee as Tanna and Dudley Manlove as Eros Repeatedly voted by critics as the worst movie ever made and usually digested with choruses of derisive laughter, the magnum opus of director Ed Wood contains far too much truth for most people to comfortably face. Plan […]
aka: Krll, Crill, O.H. Krill (nom de plume) Krill! (artists’ rendering) According to Bill Moore, this is the name of an alien still living on earth who occasionally publishes in open scientific literature (although no such articles have yet been located). Not to be confused with the tiny shrimp-like creatures which form the basis of […]
Took place at Giant Rock in the 50’s and 60’s. At it’s peak, there were upwards of 40,000 attendees References
aka: Alan-1, Alyn Long John Nebel said that Alan was a favorite name of unearthly visitors (Way Out World, 34). For example, Daniel Fry, met a flying saucer pilot named A-Lan near White Sands in 1950. In the Tron, the programmer who wrote the Tron program is named Alan (Tron refers to his user as […]
George Adamski claimed this was the name of a Martian who contacted him. (Long John Nebel, Way Out World, p46)
One of the Master Control Messengers who delivered the delivered the Keys of Enoch to Jim Hurtak. (Messengers, 133)
An entity channeled by George Van Tassel as described in I Rode in a Flying Saucer (1953). A particularly revealing transmission by Ashtar occurred on March 20, 1953: I am authorized to inform you, we are in constant communication with our people we have in your national capitol. You will be hearing of an increase […]
Revelations 17:5 – and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” This symbolic figure, probably a reference to the Roman Empire, is now commonly depicted as Wonder Woman riding a dinosaur. Which allows it to server double duty as […]
(b: 1939 – ) French computer scientist and UFO researcher. Masters in astrophysics, Ph.D. in computer science. Served as Manager of Information Systems at Stanford University. The French scientist in the movie Close Encounters is based on him. His books on UFOs include: Anatomy of a Phenomenon (1965), Challenge to Science (1966), Passport to Magonia […]
This hypothesis — somewhat similar to the Prime Directive in Star Trek — explains the lack of clear evidence of other civilizations by suggesting that they’re aware of us, watching us, but choose not to make us aware of their presence. First proposed by John Ball (Ref 17: Ball, John A., The Zoo Hypothesis , […]
aka: UFOBJ The term UFO was popularized by Edward J Ruppelt in the early 50’s to avoid the goofy hoaxing associations of the term flying saucer. References Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions: UFO Documents
George Adamski claimed this was the name of a Saturnian who contacted him. (Way Out World, Nebel, 46)
Horror novelist and screenplay writer, notably of The Howling and The Hunger which both describe mysterious, monstrous races living alongside humanity. Also author of the autobiographical Communion (1987), which made him one of the most prominent and influential figures in alien contact and abduction phenomena. Author of post-Communion sequels Transformations (1988), and The Secret School […]
(SETI) The offical scientific search for aliens. Based on the Drake Equation, their search focuses on the communication traces of advanced civilizations. SETI signal analysis was one of the first distributed network applications using the Internet to harness to idle processor cycles of thousands of home computers References
(ETH) An explanation for UFOs and alien contact which suggests that they’re physical beings which travel in physical spacecraft which cross inconceivably vast inter-stellar distances before suddenly malfunctioning and crashing on Earth in the middle of nowhere. Other hypotheses attempt to explain alien contact phenomena by means of direct interaction with human consciousness, particularly through […]
(September 8, 1882 – May 12, 1961) Director of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation in Vista, California. An early researcher of ufology and parapsychology, best known for proposing an early version of the interdimensional hypothesis to explain flying saucer sightings. Prior to his public work studying ufos, Layne was professor at the University of Southern California, […]
CERES An organization which studies crop circles.
from wikipedia: reptilian humanoid Modern claims Disinformation agent David Icke and others have claimed that U.S. President George W. Bush and his family are shapeshifting Reptilian aliens. John Rhodes established the Research Center in 1997 to collect, review and present evidence of reptoid activity. Rhodes contends that reptoids are descendants of the dinosaurs and […]
a first-person shooter arcade game in which the S.T.A.R. commando team goes in to a secret military base which has been overrun by evil homicidal aliens
The planet which Truman Bethurum claimed his alien visitors came from. Clarion is apparently hidden from the Earth on the opposite side of the sun. (Messengers of Deception, 39) Not to be confused with Planet Claire. For the love of all that is holy, do not mistake them. References wiki: Counter-Earth wiki: B-52s – Planet_Claire […]
Bruce Alan Walton (b. September 7, 1960) Best known by his pen name “Branton” (BRuce AlaN WalTON) also: Alan DeWalton Author of countless UFO texts which circulated on bulletin board systems in the days of the proto-Internet. Most of his writing usually consists of juicy pulp fantasy, focusing on the network of underground lizard alien […]