
red pill
The “red pill” is the final, most horrifying imprisoning illusion — believing you’ve escaped from the world itself.
The “red pill” is the final, most horrifying imprisoning illusion — believing you’ve escaped from the world itself.
In early July of 1947, something fell out of the sky near Roswell, New Mexico. No one disputes this.
The Mojave Desert region around Las Vegas is a renowned locus of anomie and abjection.
“A lot a’ people don’t realize what’s really going on. They view life as a bunch a’ unconnected incidents ‘n things.”
Evil spirits only travel in straight lines… References wiki (fr): Orthoténie NICAP: The Worldwide UFO Wave of 1954 Orthoteny Lives MUFON Annual 1983 UFO Symposium Proceedings: Southern California’s Straight-Line Mystery In Ufo Sightings Re: “Orthoteny” And The Great French Flap + a Fortean view per C. Fort goog book: Forbidden Science: Journals 1957-1969, by Jacques […]
Old mythologies and modern pseudo-science which describe a global network of tunnels, underground cities, or even an entire inner world lit by a hidden sun in the core of the globe. The earliest versions involve demon-creatures controlled by an evil god, poking humans with torture sticks in an infernal pit. The most recent versions involve […]
June (21): Maury Island Incident July: Roswell Incident July 26: National Security Act of 1947 signed by CIA established September 9, 1947 — First computer bug found in relay 70, panel F of the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator December 1 — Aleister Crowley died December 30 — Project Sign founded to officially investigate UFOs
short lived phonetic English-language spelling reform proposed by the Mormons
The unicursal hexagram is so-called because it can be drawn in one continuous movement. The triangles are also often used to represent opposites such as fire and water or male and female, so the unifying of the symbol into one represents the union of opposites. This is also significant in ritual magick, where a continuous […]
In Scientology, this is the name of a propaganda and disinformation method for dealing with those who oppose the Org. If there will be a long-term threat, you are to immediately evaluate and originate a black PR campaign to destroy the person’s repute and to discredit them so thoroughly that they will be ostracized. – […]
In an “authentic” mutilation, the animal’s sexual organs are removed and the anus is cored out with laser-like precision. Often, an eye, tongue or patch of skin is removed. Blood, footprints and tire tracks are noticeably absent. References wiki: Cattle_mutilation
In the lingo of Lyndon LaRouche, stands for: New Dark Ages Also: Non-Disclosure Agreement
Memory techniques and technologies. Comes from Mnemosyne (“remembrance”), the name of the Mother of the Muses in Greek mythology. References wikipedia: mnemonics
Sightings more than 500 feet from the witness are classified as Daylight Discs”, Nocturnal Lights”or Radar/Visual Reports”. Sightings within about 500 feet are subclassified as various close encounters. A system first suggested by J. Allen Hynek in his 1972 book The UFO Experience: A Scientific Study. Hynek’s original three levels of close enconter range from […]
An anonymous wit on the AP wire added this term to Kenneth Arnold‘s description of the skipping disks” he saw near Mount Rainer in 1947. The term has been with us ever since. See also: ufo References wikipedia:flying saucer
The combinatory work of The combinatory work of as described and further theorized by in his early text, De Arte Combinatoria of 1666. The main idea behind the text is that of an alphabet of human thought, which is attributed to Descartes. All concepts are nothing but combinations of a relatively small number of simple […]
final states… relationship to code and erasure… from What Aristotle Didn’t Know About Sex and Death by Ronald de Sousa: (T)he one type of cell that does appear capable to reproduce itself forever, apart from sex cells and unicellular organisms, are cancer cells. Cancer cells, we might say, go on reproducing for their own sake, […]
Developed by Frank Drake in 1961 to determine the probable number of other technically advanced civilizations in a galaxy. N = number of technically advanced civilizations emitting some kind of detectable signal. R = rate of star formation averaged over the lifetime of the galaxy. FP = fraction of stars with planetary systems. NE = […]
It’s complicated…
A term suggested by CAiiA-STAR, as a replacement term for paranoia. Telenoia suggests a move away from anxiety and fear in the face of the increasing integration of corporate information technologies with the human body. Ascott instead advocates an attempt to create new artistic models for consciousness and social organization in a environment of surveillance […]
from Scientology According to the Scientology Technical Dictionary — a Suppressive Person (SP) is: 1. A person who rewards only down statistics and never rewards an up statistic. He goofs up or vilifies any effort to help anybody and particularly knifes with violence anything calculated to make human beings more powerful or intelligent. A suppressive […]
A hypothetical machine described by Dr. in his July 1945 article in the Atlantic Monthly, As We May Think. The memex would be able to link any piece of data to any other at will, thereby building trails of information in conformity with the of the User. Bush’s description of in the memex is considered […]
In Greek, παράνοια the root words are para (outside, beside) and nous = (mind) Clinically, this could imply any set of delusional beliefs. Poetically, it suggests a “mind beside itself.” It was used in this sense by Salvador Dali when he described his creative process as the Paranoiac Critical Method. An “outside mind” is also […]
An acausal connecting principle. Described by Carl Jung as “temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events.” A “meaningful coincidence” that cannot be explained by direct causality. It differs from coincidence in that synchronicity implies not just happenstance, but an underlying pattern or dynamic that is being expressed through meaningful relationships or events. see also: associative indexing […]
The form of information organization most famously described by Vannevar Bush in his July 1945 essay “As We May Think,” as the storage method of his hypothetical device, the memex. This description is often considered the first description of hypertext. Bush described associative indexing as the way the mind naturally works, making it a more […]
The experience of seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad, who defined it as the unmotivated seeing of connections accompanied by a specific experience of an “abnormal meaningfulness.” Conrad originally described this phenomenon in relation to the distortion of reality present in psychosis, but […]
It’s… kind of a long story. Richard Shaver Ray Palmer dero and tero the modern ufo mythos References wikipedia: Shaver Mystery
570 – Muhammad born 1889 – Adolf Hitler born 1893 – Joan Miró born 1912 – Bram Stoker dies 1953 – MKULTRA 1970 – Earth Day 1979 – President Carter attacked by Rabbit 1985 – ATF raid on The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord compound 1992 – Benny Hill dies 1999 […]
Thelema means “will” in Greek. It’s the principle behind the magick systems of Aleister Crowley Book of Law, Chapter 1, Verse 40: 40. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. […]
Wolf 424 is a binary star system comprising two red dwarf stars at a distance of approximately 14.2 light years. It is located in the constellation Virgo, between the stars Vindemiatrix and Auva. The UMMO letters claimed that this was the origin of the alien communications References wikipedia: wiki: wolf-424
Since advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are so probable (, why haven’t we run into them yet? Or, as the physicist Enrico Fermi put it over lunch one day: “Where is everybody?” Some possible explainations include: These civilizations are only capable of limited interstellar travel because of fundamental physical, biological, or economic restraints. They’re aware of us […]
The term postmodern epistemology is often used from a religious perspective to critique philosophies which don’t subscribe to the idea of a single universal Truth. The return critique is that a belief in a single Truth is usually a result of willful blindness which ignores the complexity of reality in favor of the warm comfort […]
Paranoia means “outside mind” which is usually interpreted as derangement of normal mental processes. It also implies an external mind, speaking back. In this sense, an outboard brain or external memory — a computer — is almost by definition a paranoid”device. From the movie Tron (1981): Flynn: The kids are putting 8 million quarters a […]
Carol S. Matthews: In 1973, maverick linguist, alleged CIA consultant, occultist and nouveau Egyptologist, J.J. Hurtak, according to his account, had been “lifted up” in a body of light into a region of stars called Merak and Muscida by the Master Ophanim Enoch. Enoch, answering a prayerful plea from Hurtak, had come to deliver a […]
A surrealist creative method described by Salvador Dali in the 1930s. Paranoiac-critical activity organizes and objectivizes in an exclusivist manner the limitless and unknown possibilities of the systematic association of subjective and objective ‘significance’ in the irrational… spontaneous method of irrational knowledge based on the critical and systematic objectivity of the associations and interpretations of […]
Occasionalism is a philosophical theory about causation which says that neither matter nor mind can be a true cause of events. Instead, all events are taken to be caused by God. The theory states that the constant conjunction between causes and effects only occurs because in every instance where the cause is present, God wills […]
aka: Marcab from Scientology According to L. Ron Hubbard: Various planets united into a very vast civilization which has come forward up through the last 200,000 years, [it] is formed out of the fragments of earlier civilizations. In the last 100,000 years they have gone on with a sort of a decadent kicked-in-the-head civilization that […]
From the Jorge Luis Borges story, Tlon, Uqbar, Orbus Tertius…. Tlön is a false world which becomes real through the operation of a mysterious conspiratorial group of false-history creators. The contact and the habit of Tlön have disintegrated this world. Enchanted by its rigor, humanity forgets over and again that it is a rigor of […]
aka: OT III from Scientology Below is the first page of the OT III course — a handwritten note by L Ron Hubbard — describing the history of Earth. Scientologists must spend years and pay thousands of dollars to reach the point where they are allowed to see the OT III texts. They believe that […]