
Zetan Bio-Robots
“under Nellis air force base there are at least 180,000 grey Zetan bio-robots that are being bred for an army as we speak”
“under Nellis air force base there are at least 180,000 grey Zetan bio-robots that are being bred for an army as we speak”
drug mule conspiracy theorist disinformation agent Casbolt believes that alien-human reptoid hybrids are living in underground bases and drinking the blood of innocent children. He believes that British intelligence runs all the other governments of the world, along with the global drug trade. He believes the London train bombings in 2004 were fake and the […]
Raymond Arthur Palmer Editor of Amazing Stories from 1938 through 1949 Prolific science fiction editor and author Palmer was hit by a truck at age seven and suffered a broken back. At nine, a failed spinal graft left him a hunchback who never grew past four feet. He immersed himself in science fiction, moving quickly […]
[ WARNING: Information in this post has been Damaged ] Dulce Base is the name for a secret underground facility in or near Dulce, New Mexico where alien hybrids drink the blood of babies and they never ever take out the trash. Many details of the lore surrounding the Dulce base [ERROR] ”vast underground bases […]