
Project Redlight
Alleged attempts to reverse engineer and test-fly UFO technology. According to Bill Cooper, “Project Snowbird” was a cover for Redlight.
Alleged attempts to reverse engineer and test-fly UFO technology. According to Bill Cooper, “Project Snowbird” was a cover for Redlight.
Located on the central coast of California, Vandenburg occupies a large area around Point Conception — the point where the California coast turns North which is roughly considered the geographic and climatological division between Northern and Southern California. Location of many missile tests, commercial rocket launches, and some space shuttle launches. While trying to convince […]
Admiral. Head of the CIA – 1947-195 Sat on the Board of Directors of NICAP. Member of MJ-12 Once declared that it is imperative that we learn what UFOs are and where they come from (Messengers, 202) References
aka: DAVA Located at Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino, until Norton’s closure in the late 80s
a first-person shooter arcade game in which the S.T.A.R. commando team goes in to a secret military base which has been overrun by evil homicidal aliens
A dry lakebed in Nevada near Las Vegas. Location of Nellis Air Force Base and test ranges (aka: Area 51, Dreamland)
Sixth president of John’s Hopkins University. Exobiology expert of Majestic 12. According to the MJ-12 documents, Dr. Bronk coined the term Extraterrestrial Biological Entity, or EBE.
According to Jacques Vallee, Paul Bennewitz was “a respected physicist who managed a small electronics company close to Kirtland Air Force Base. Hypnotized by Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Bennewitz began relating increasingly extreme experiences of abductees and aliens. His “memories” included seeing body parts floating in vats of amniotic fluid in secret laboratories beneath , Dulce, […]
General William Hugh Blanchard (February 6, 1916 – May 31, 1966) United States Air Force officer who attained the rank of four-star general. Served as Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force from 1965 to 1966. As a Colonel, Blanchard was base commander of Roswell Army Air Field in July, 1947. On […]
Unexplained phenomena circa 1966-1967 in West Virginia and Ohio The Mothman Prophecies (1976) by John Keel movie (2002) starring Richard Gere Involves the , a national security complex dating from WWII Deaths include an innocent German Shepard (Bandit) and, according to some, the 46 deaths in the collapse of the Silver Bridge on Dec 5 […]
Located near Washington DC. At the center of the Invasion of Washington UFO fly-overs in July of 1952.
Science fiction author, lifelong horsewoman, Research Director of the US Global Strategy Council (USGSC). With John Alexander, co-author of The Warrior’s Edge (1990). References wiki: Janet Morris M2 Technologies: Janet Morris
Donald Howard Menzel (April 11, 1901 — December 14, 1976) Astronomer. President of the American Astronomical Society (1954-56) Renowned, though incompetent, UFO debunker. In his three anti-UFO books, he argued that all unidentified objects were simply misidentified natural phenomena. A consultant for the National Security Agency Listed as a member in the disinformation performance art […]
Son of William P. Lear, holder of seventeen world speed records. He claims to have been a pilot for secret government agencies, especially the CIA. Lear is a strong advocate of the theory that live aliens are living in secret underground bases beneath Nellis Air Force Baseand Dulce, New Mexico. He was influential upon Linda […]
Later changed to Aerospace Technical Intelligence Center.
Mister Potato Head? Mister Potato Head!?
Major General. Former Director of US Army Intelligence and Security Command. Involved in remote viewing experiments. References wiki: Albert Stubblebine
A World War II code name for a British disinformation group, in particular the London Controlling Section also: things that come from Mars. Often expanded to refer to anything that comes from anywhere not-Earth.
According to Harold Blum, the alleged leader of a UFO Working Group in the Pentagon, which was most likely a disinformation red herring.