
David Miscavige

Successor to L Ron Hubbard as Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center, making him overlord of worldwide Scientology References http://www.lermanet.com/exit/miscavige.htm http://davidmiscavige.rtc.org/


Robert Shea

Robert Joseph Shea (February 14, 1933 – March 10, 1994) American novelist and former journalist best known as co-author with Co-author, with Robert Anton Wilson, of the Illuminatus trilogy. References bobshea.net wiki: Robert_Shea


Al Gore

American Vice-President (1993-2000) President Elect (2000) Inventor of teh internets. Participant in Neuro-Linguistic Programming workshops


George W Bush

Cheerleader Failed businessman Alcoholic, drug addict – untreated Son of a CIA director Grandson of either a Nazi Senator or Aleister Crowley Member of Bohemian Grove Widely considered the worst President in US history His speaking ability has sharply declined since his first gubernatorial campaign, possibly due to drug-induced mental symptoms. His current inability to […]


John Keel

John Alva Keel (b. March 25, 1930) A researcher who dismisses both the extraterrestrial hypothesis and the scientific-skeptic explanations of UFOs as equally crazy. “I abandoned the extraterrestrial hypothesis in 1967 when my own field investigations disclosed an astonishing overlap between psychic phenomena and UFOs . . . I feel that the ultimate solution [to […]


Hiram Abiff

aka: The Widow’s Son, The Master Builder Hiram was the architect of the Temple of Solomon. When he refused to reveal his secrets, he was slain by his three assistants: Julbela, Jubelo, and Jubelum. Much of the ritual in Freemasonry revolves around this martyrdom.


Donald Keyhoe

Writer and UFO researcher. Author of: The Flying Saucers Are Real (1950) Flying Saucers From Outer Space (1953) Flying Saucer Conspiracy (1955) Flying Saucers: Top Secret (1960) Aliens From Space (1973) References wikipedia: Donald_Keyhoe http://www.hallrichard.com/keyhoe.htm The Flying Saucers are Real


Thomas F Mantell

On 7 January 1948, 25 year old Kentucky Air National Guard pilot, Captain Thomas F. Mantell, died while in pursuit of an unidentified flying object near Fort Knox. The so-called Mantell Incident is among the most publicised and infamous UFO reports of the early modern era. The Air Force’s J Allen Hynek suggested he had […]


George Van Tassel

(b: Mar 12, 1910 – d: Feb 9, 1978 ) In 1947, George Van Tassel relocated his family to , a site in the California Desert near Joshua Tree, an area which was eventually called Landers. He leased the air strip next to a sixty-foot high boulder: the “giant rock” itself. In 1951, Van Tassel […]


Lafayette Ronald Hubbard

(b. March 13, 1911 in Tilden, Nebraska — d.January 24, 1986 in Creston, California) Pulp science fiction author Navy lieutenant (repeatedly deemed unfit for command) Crowleyan adept in the OTO Bigamist, with Sara Northrup (former girlfriend of Jack Parsons Convicted felon (sentenced for fraud in France) Chronic sufferer of arthritis, bursitis, and conjunctivitis Founder of […]


Gerald Posner

Lawyer, Conspiracy Patsy, Disgraced Former Journalist, Man About Town Capitalizing on the thirtieth anniversary of JFK’s assassination, Gerald Posner published Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK (1993). He asserted that any evidence which pointed away from Oswald as the proverbial lone gunman — which is arguably most of the evidence — […]


Guillermo Mendoza

Botanist, who was allegedly brought to Area 51 to help with a sick, plant-like alien, who liked strawberry ice cream. According to Bill Cooper at the 1989 MUFON Symposium: In late 1951 EBE became ill. Medical personnel had been unable to determine the cause of EBE’s illness and had no background from which to draw. […]


Joe Simonton

A chicken farmer who lived alone in the vicinity of Eagle River, Wisconsin. He was about sixty years old when a flying saucer landed in his front yard. On April 18, 1961 at about 11AM, he heard a noise outside his house like “knobby tires on wet pavement.” Outside was a silvery object the shape […]



Rael was once a French Journalist named Claude Vorilhon, who was contacted by “Elohim” and became the leader of the Raelian sect. The Raelians claim to be in extraterrestrial contact, and are preparing for the return of the aliens to Earth by building an embassy. From the Raelian website: On the 13th of December 1973, […]


Long John Nebel

Radio and TV show host. The Art Bell of the 50’s. Author of Way Out World (1961) George Adamski (left) with Long John Nebel References http://mimufon.org/1960%20articles/ContacteesIHaveKnown.htm


Fred Crisman

aka: Fred Lee Crisman, Jon Gold (b.July 22, 1919 – d.December 10, 1975) From Wikipedia: Fred-Crisman Fred Crisman was an writer, educator, minor political provacateur, broadcaster and self-described “disruption agent” from Tacoma, Washington. He is a bizarre and enigmatic figure, whose name pops up in unusual circumstances, paranormal events, and conspiracies in the middle decades […]


Betty Northrup

aka: Sara Woman who Jack Parsons was living with in Pasadena. L Ron Hubbard wooed her away and together they absconded to Florida with Parsons’ money. There was some bigamy involved. References http://www.spaink.net/cos/LRH-bio/sara-bg.htm http://www.ronthenut.org/adultry.htm http://www.clambake.org/archive/books/apobs/bs2-6.htm http://www.beliefnet.com/story/69/story-6900-1.html


Jim Keith

(September 21, 1949 – September 7, 1999). aka: Jay Katz, Commander X Author of many works of X-FIles era paranoia, including Gemstone File (1992),Black Helicopters over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order (1994), Casebook on Alternative 3: UFO’s, Secret Societies and World Control(1994), Casebook on the Men In Black (1997), Black Helicopters II: The […]


John Bevan

Lieutenant-Colonel John Bevan, a stockbroker who became head of the London Controlling Section. Dennis Wheatley described Bevan as “a rather frail-looking man of medium build with sleepy pale blue eyes and thin fair hair which turned gray from the strain of the remarkable work he accomplished”. wiki: Upon his arrival the LCS was struggling to […]


Sheridan “Cav” Cavitt

Capt. Sheridan “Cav” Cavitt Head of Roswell Army Counterintelligence Corps Recovered part of the … Jesse Marcel . . . [ warning: this information was damaged in transfer ] “Happy birthday, Bill,” said the voice on the other end of the phone. “Its ‘Cav,’ your old boss.” After exchanging niceties, Cavitt queried, “Have you been […]


James T Anderson

Supreme Commander of APEN (Aerial Phenomena Enquiry Network). This individual quite possibly never existed. (Revelations, 222-223) References mysteriousbritain: Messengers Of Deception


Hiram Erasmus Butler

Founder of the American branch of the Order of Melchizedek. In 1889, he moved to California and created a mystical center on 260 acres overlooking the American River near Applegate in Placer County. He died in 1916. (Messengers of Deception, 127) References wiki: Melchizedek priesthood (Latter Day Saints)


Dr. H P Robertson

Howard Percy “Bob” Robertson (January 27, 1903 – August 26, 1961) was an American mathematician and physicist known for contributions related to physical cosmology and the uncertainty principle. He was Professor of Mathematical Physics at the California Institute of Technology and Princeton University. In 1943, he was asked to investigate if the German flying bomb […]


Robert Emenegger

UFO documentary film maker. Worked with DAVA. Music composer for Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp, a live-action Saturday morning series featured a cast of talking chimpanzees. see also: Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson AFB References wiki: Lancelot_Link,_Secret_Chimp hidden experience: Hangar 18 and predictive weirdness Paranormal TV – Bob Emenegger on UFO Documentaries


Daniel W Fry

One of the first modern contactees. Author of The White Sands Incident. On July 4, 1950, Fry was working at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico as an employee of the AeroJet Corperation. In the evening he took a walk into the desert, and at one point though he saw the stars disappearing. […]


Orfeo M Angelucci

Long John Nebel’s favorite UFO contactee: “As far as I’m concerned, although I don’t buy any of these bits, this man’s was, and is, the most imaginative, the most beautiful, and the most fascinating of them all.” (Way Out World, p37). Angelucci’s first experience with a UFO was August of 1946 in New Jersey. He […]


Jacques F Vallée

(b: 1939 – ) French computer scientist and UFO researcher. Masters in astrophysics, Ph.D. in computer science. Served as Manager of Information Systems at Stanford University. The French scientist in the movie Close Encounters is based on him. His books on UFOs include: Anatomy of a Phenomenon (1965), Challenge to Science (1966), Passport to Magonia […]


Michael Wolf

Author of Catchers Of Heaven – A Trilogy Wolf, Michael The Catchers of Heaven: A Trilogy, Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 1996, ISBN 08059-3907-5 Claims to have worked for the NSC on “ET related matters” Associated with a secret group called Alphacom Team. References http://www.alternativkanalen.com/rune/micwolf3.html http://www.naturalhealthholistic.com/mikewolf.html


Arthur Young

Inventor of the rotor for the Bell helicopter. Apparently a believer in the ‘aliens-in-secret-underground-bases’ theory as advocated by Bill Cooper. (Revelations, 87)


Robert Cutler

Eisenhower’s Special Assistant for National Security. The first person appointed to the newly created position of National Security Advisor Robert Cutler allegedly wrote an unsigned memo to General Nathan Twining on July 14, 1954 regarding the scheduling of a July 16 “MJ-12 SSP” presidential briefing. This memo — the only corroborating document of the existence […]


Albert Pike

(December 29, 1809–April 2, 1891) American attorney, Confederate officer, and Freemason. The only Confederate military officer or figure honored with an outdoor statue in Washington, D.C. When the Mexican-American War started, Pike joined the cavalry and was commissioned as a troop commander, serving in the Battle of Buena Vista. He and his commander, John Selden […]


Whitley Strieber

Horror novelist and screenplay writer, notably of The Howling and The Hunger which both describe mysterious, monstrous races living alongside humanity. Also author of the autobiographical Communion (1987), which made him one of the most prominent and influential figures in alien contact and abduction phenomena. Author of post-Communion sequels Transformations (1988), and The Secret School […]


Nikola Tesla

Born at midnight on July 9, 1856, in the village of Smiljan, in the province of Lika, Croatia which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Died on January 7, 1943 in New York City. Thomas Edison sacrificed an elephant in Tesla’s honor.


Claude Vorilhon

see: Rael Vorilhon was a French pop start, race car driver, and auto reviewer until 1973, at which point he became the leader of a new age, neo-fascist UFO sex cult (the Raelians)


Yvonne Jentzsch

Founder of the Scientology Celebrity Centre in Hollywood. Death By Devotion: Tragic Tale of Scientology Celebrity Centre Brainchild Yvonne Jentzsch alt.religion.scientology – Yvonne Jentzsch, founder of Celebrity Centre, abandoned & forgotten by the cult scientolipedia : Remembrances_of_Yvonne