
Mormon Battalion
The only religiously based unit in United States military history. Led from Santa Fe to California by Philip St. George Cooke, who oversaw the construction of Fort Moore. References wiki/Mormon_Battalion
The only religiously based unit in United States military history. Led from Santa Fe to California by Philip St. George Cooke, who oversaw the construction of Fort Moore. References wiki/Mormon_Battalion
National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena NICAP, was founded in the 1950s to research reports of UFO phenomenon. Between 1957 and 1969, NICAP and its members periodically communicated with the FBI. References NICAP correspondence
Organization that printed a threatening ad in the Dallas Morning News on the day of John F. Kenney’s assassinaton. By coincidence, the ad had a black boarder in the style of an obituary. The org described themselves as “an unaffiliated and nonpartisan group of citizens who wish truth,” but they were in fact associated with […]
Special operation charged with assasinating Fidel Castro. Decided to kill a bunch of other people instead. His name was Rico, he wore a diamond He was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancin’ there And when she finished, he called her over But Rico went a bit too far, Tony sailed across the bar […]
There were problems.
a mysterious agency of mental health intelligence operatives who L Ron Hubbard thought was harassing him
Military contractor founded in San Diego California. According to their company overview: We are a leading provider of scientific, engineering, systems integration and technical services and products to all branches of the U.S. military, agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), the intelligence community, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other U.S. […]
Mathematical Applications Group, Inc Early computer graphics pioneer. Supported by military contracts for projects simulating equipment behavior. They created 15 of the 20 minutes of CGI in the move Tron, including the light cycles, tanks, and Recognizers. From ‘TRON,’ Revisited in VFX Pro, October 09, 2000 MAGI used a modeling system called Synthavision, which built […]
UFO performance art disinformation campaign. Credited to William Moore Alleged members: BLUE JAY: Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green, MD, Ph.D; Chief, Biomedical Sciences Department, General Motors, former head of the CIA’s UFO files at the Weird Desk. PELICAN: Ron Pandolfi, CIA Deputy Director for the Division of Science and Technology and current custodian of UFO files […]
aka: The Order of Perfectibilists, Bavarian Illuminati An organization in Bavaria founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt based on recruitment from prestegious Masonic lodges. Disbanded by the Bavarian government in the mid-1780’s when it was declaired an outlaw organization. Or perhaps it just relocated and/or went underground. The Illuminati have occasionally been blamed […]
Scientology Internal prision work camp for the Sea Org References wiki: rehabilitation project force‘sRehabilitationProjectForce.htm
A recruitment-only sub-organization within Scientology. (that’s David Miscavige in the front) Members of the Sea Org sign an employment contract with the organization for one billion years. Sea Org members, in accordance with Scientology beliefs, are expected to return to the Sea Org when they are reborn. (The slogan of the Sea Org is, “We […]
aka: Priory of Zion A secret organization spanning centuries, or perhaps millennia, who consider themselves guardians of the Holy Grail, or the Holy Blood. Or something. The Priory is aassociated with the alleged progeney of Mary Magdalene. The Priory’s list of grand masters are known by the old French title Nautononnier, meaning “navigator”or “helmsman.” The […]
The I Am Activity of the Saint Germain foundation, which began what is known today as the I Am movement, is a new religious movement started by Guy Ballard in 1930. I AM had distinctly fascist connections: in addition to their appeal to the superior wisdom of the Great White Brotherhood, the membership of I […]
Founded by George Adamski during prohibition in the 1930s, it’s holy rituals involved ceremonial wine. It’s been suggested that Adamski got into flying saucers and alien contact after prohibition ended, making his license to make wine for religious purposes at the “monastery” far less lucrative. (Peebles, 113). References
Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare (Military Intelligence and Security Service) The military intelligence agency of Italy. Considered notoriously shifty at best. Implicated in GLADIO, yellowcake forgeries, Valerie Plame. References wikipedia: sismi wikipedia: gladio wikipedia: yellowcake forgery
Mutual UFO Network An international organization based in Texas comprised largely of UFO believers. Some prominent members (such as Stanton Friedman) have had high level government security clearances and/or ties to U.S. intelligence agencies. At the 1989 meeting Bill Moore proclaimed himself a deliberate disinformation agent of the government. See also: Majestic 12 . also: […]
The National Institute for Discovery Science was founded by Bigelow Robert as a way to channel funds into the proper scientific study of paranormal phenomena. They were very interested in cattle mutilation and for a while they were the FAA’s sole recipient for black triangle reports. Most famously they bought Skinwalker Ranch”in Utah 1996. Rumors […]
Göteborgs Informationscenter för Oidentifierade Flygande Föremål Swedish UFO research group, disbanded in 1978. Their archives were transfered to the Archives for UFO Research (AFU) References Håkan Blomqvist´s blog – Rapport-Nytt och dess föregångare Archives For the Unexplained Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige – ufoorganisationer UFO – en kort historik
National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Just, really problematic. To some degree, they grew out of the Thule Society References wiki: Nazi
Mission Statement: The Academy For Future Science is a non-profit corporation that examines new scientific ideas for the future. Through science and information technology, the world is undergoing major transformations in social, cultural, economic, and environmental dimensions. The principal goal of the Academy is to provide all people with educational and scientific tools that will […]
Corporation founded by Jack Parsons References enviroreporter: aerojet-chino-hills
Founded November 4, 1952. Budget-wise, the NSA is the largest single American government agency, though the exact budget itself is classified. NSA security awareness poster: < h4>Links < h4> wiki: National_Security_Agency wiki: NSA_warrantless_surveillance_controversy EFF: How the NSA’s Domestic Spying Program Works NSA Security Awareness Posters NSA: Print and Construct Your Own Cipher Disk
Dominant force in coputer operating systems. Possible encompasing org of the inner head. References
see: majestic-12
aka MJ-12, MAJI, MAJIC, Majority, Majesty Majestic 12 is the name of a super-secret UFO research group first headed by Vannevar Bush. The members of the performance troupe were: Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter Dr. Vannevar Bush James Forrestal (replaced after his death by Gen. Walter Bedell Smith) Nathan Twining Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg Dr. Detlev Bronk Dr. […]
Offices of the Latter-day Saint Melchizedek priesthood If an adult man joins the Church, he may be called and ordained to hold the lesser Aaronic Priesthood (if he is morally worthy) by those in the Church with authority to do so. After a period of time (usually one year) the man may be called and […]
AKA: Thule Gesellschaft A racist occult society based on ethnic and historical Germany identity. It was founded in 17, 1918, by Rudolf von Sebottendorff, and included several prominent members of the Nazi party. The Thule Society maintained contacts with followers of Theosophy and Helena Blavatsky. Sebottendorf was also Freemason in the Grand Orient of Turkey. […]
A religion founded by L Ron Hubbard who based it partially on Aleister Crowley’s philosophy and imagery. According to L Ron Hubbard Jr, his father said that Scientology actually began on December 1st, 1947 — the day Aleister Crowley died. Rose Cross of the Golden Dawn and the Scientology Cross: According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica: […]
Founded in Sweden in 1973. “The collection represents more than 600 meters on our shelves.” AFU maintains a number of other services: A photo copier – sponsored by UFO-Sweden Collection of Access databases (also available on CD) Yahoo Mailing-list of recent Swedish UFO clippings (.pdf format) AFU Newsletter, four issues/year Lending library (for Swedish citizens […]
The CIA’s first official interest in UFO’s, a change of attitute provoked in part by the Robertson Report. Members of the Panel were: Dr. H.P. Robertson, head of the Panel Dr. Samuel A Goudsmit Dr. Lloyd V Berkner Dr. Luis Alvarez Dr. Thorton L Page Associate members: Dr. J Allen Hynek Frederick C Durant III, […]
Sauvegarde Conservation des Etudes et Archives Ufologiques French for Preservation and Conservation of Ufological Studies and Archives. Founded in February 1990. References SCEAU Archives Euro UFO: SCEAU
One of many references to Majestic 12 According to Bill Cooper, MAJI stands for Majestic Agency for Joint Intelligence. Also: a reference to the “wise men” in the Bible.
Part of a disinformation group set up during World War II, code-named the “Martians”. The LCS was set up in Churchill’s personal headquarters and was skilled in “Special Means” weaponry. The chief of the LCS was Colonel John Bevan, who had the title “Controller of Deception.” Other members included Wing Commander Dennis Wheatley of the […]
From Scientology A system invented by L Ron Hubbard, first published in Astounding Science Fiction in May of 1950. From the Encyclopaedia Britannica: every experience is recorded in the mind as a mental image. Painful experiences, called clear, or free, the mind of them. References Early Promotion for L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics CESNUR Library Acquires […]
California Institute of Transpersonal Psychology Based in Meno Park, California in the Silicon Valley. In the late 70’s Zalman Schachter.
California Institute of Technology aka: CalTech Based in Pasadena. Parent organization of the Jet Propulsion Labratory (JPL) which was co-founded by Crowleyan magician Jack (John) Parsons. A vast tunnel complex lies beneath the campus buildings….
Founded at Giant Rock by George Van Tassel. References Calling Occupants (The Giant Rock Conventions) – Gregory Bishop and Kenn Thomas, Fortean Times 118 (January 1999) Amazon listing: Proceedings [of the College of Universal Wisdom] – October,1956
Defunct UFO research group. From their history: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) in the early 80s, was an organization known principally, if not solely, for being the plaintiff in two actions under the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for 57 documents withheld pursuant to a previous court decision. From 1987-1998 CAUS has survived solely on the […]
Dr (?) Michael Wolf claimed that MJ-12 appointed him manager of Alphacom Team, who had the objective of resuming negotiations with the visiting extraterrestrials. Other objectives of Alphacom Team were: to determine whether we can use the ETs’ technology to restore this planet to its former pristine state of natural balance.” to determine the number […]