
Aimé Michel
French UFO researcher. References wiki: Aimé Michel Aimé Michel, le libre-penseur et les ovnis. Par Thibaut Canuti
French UFO researcher. References wiki: Aimé Michel Aimé Michel, le libre-penseur et les ovnis. Par Thibaut Canuti
Donald Howard Menzel (April 11, 1901 — December 14, 1976) Astronomer. President of the American Astronomical Society (1954-56) Renowned, though incompetent, UFO debunker. In his three anti-UFO books, he argued that all unidentified objects were simply misidentified natural phenomena. A consultant for the National Security Agency Listed as a member in the disinformation performance art […]
William W “Mac” Brazel In July of , something crashed onto his ranch outside Roswell, New Mexico. Soon after the Roswell Incident, Mac Brazel left town never to be heard from again. References wiki: Witness_accounts_of_the_Roswell_UFO_incident Interview with Mac Brazel – Roswell Daily Chronicle, July 9, 1947
UFO researcher. University of Chicago photographic expert colleague of J Allen Hynek Jacques Vallee, Forbidden Science p209: Belmont. Saturday 13 October 1973 Fred Beckman called this morning: “Magonia has been unleashed!” He said happily. “Hynek left on Thursday for Dayton, and from there he went straight to Pascagoula in Mississippi. Two fishermen have been abducted […]
Son of William P. Lear, holder of seventeen world speed records. He claims to have been a pilot for secret government agencies, especially the CIA. Lear is a strong advocate of the theory that live aliens are living in secret underground bases beneath Nellis Air Force Baseand Dulce, New Mexico. He was influential upon Linda […]
Director of the Twentieth Century UFO Bureau, headquartered in Collingswood, NJ. According to Jaques Vallee the Bureau is on of the groups that compose the fundamentalist religious organization headed by the Reverend Carl McIntire. Barry stated in June 1978 that he had three excellent sources, one in government, the others retired from highly sensitive position, […]
Professor Otto Billig (1910-1989) Psychiatrist, author, and teacher. His research interests included schizophrenia, art and psychosis, and cross-culture psychiatry. Author of Flying Saucers: Magic in the Skies: a psychohistory (1982). He specialized in the art of schizophrenics and curated exhibits of their art. Received his M.D. from Federal Realschule (Vienna) in 1937. References Vanderbilt University […]
Later changed to Aerospace Technical Intelligence Center.
According to Jean-Pierre Prevost (while in a hypnotic trance) this is the name of an entity which contacted Prevost in a suburb of Paris, France in November, 1979. Prevost was told that he would be a Noah-figure by spreading the word about extraterrestrials, and that “those who will have helped them get the message out […]
According to Harold Blum, the alleged leader of a UFO Working Group in the Pentagon, which was most likely a disinformation red herring.
Former professional football (soccer) player sports reporter spokesperson for the British Green Party reptiod focused hyper-conspiratologist, Icke is one of the foremost marketers of Jewish banker space lizard disinformation spam. See Also: James Casbolt Bill Moore References Will Offley: David Icke And The Politics Of Madness Jim Keith: Review of The Biggest Secret: The Book […]