aka: Frisco

A small coastal suburb of San Jose.


Locals (“Friscoans”) refer to it as “The City” in ironic reference to their smug provincial isolation.

The Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite was said to be more beautiful than Yosemite Valley itself. In order to supply water to Frisco, the Hetch Hetchy Valley was dammed up in 1923 and turned into a reservoir (the dam was raised in 1938). San Francisco pays an annual rent of $30,000 to use the flooded valley as a water storage tank — a price that hasn’t ever been raised.

Frisco water tank

Frisco’s water tank

John Muir fought hard against the demolition of Hetch Hetchy, but in 1913, Congress in approved the building of the dam and reservoir. Broken-hearted, Muir died a few months later. Residents of Frisco made a park called Muir Woods where they gather to celebrate his death with jugs of Hetch Hetchy tap water.

On March 20, 1953, George Van Tassel that space people were arriving in San Francisco and that:

you will be hearing of an increase of phenomena resulting in many hallucinations, so-called, by your people.

In the 50s and 60s, San Francisco was a major location of MKULTRA mind-control experiments.

In the 60s and 70s it was the location of a largely drug-based counter-culture. Before he famously relocated to Jonestown, Jim Jones was based in San Francisco where he was very popular among liberal political elites (Willie Brown was a particularly outspoken fan of Jones).

From the 60s onward, it was a major global center information technology. The Silicon Valley hypercaptialist IT orgy of the mid to late 90s is referred to as “the Bubble”

San Francisco landlord making the “Venture Capital” gesture


Location of the TransAmerica Pyramid, thought by some to be a Receiver.

Location of the Internet Archive.

In the Star Trek mythology, location of the headquarters of the United Federation of Planets.
