
In the Book of Mormon, they were the dark-skinned, wicked rivals to the lighter-skinned, righteous Nephites.
In the Book of Mormon, they were the dark-skinned, wicked rivals to the lighter-skinned, righteous Nephites.
“under Nellis air force base there are at least 180,000 grey Zetan bio-robots that are being bred for an army as we speak”
Everyone was dressed casual yet snappy. And just, you know, relaxing. As Venusians do.
They’ve been around for a while. The modern incarnation was first described during the Maury Island Incident
Used for scrying. See Also: John Dee Joseph Smith
Maybe an alien from Sirius, maybe an inter-dimensional guardian, maybe a weird self-portrait of Aleister Crowley. Kenneth Grant thought that Lam was a big deal. References
Artificial Intelligence in the film Tron which seemingly commits suicide by means of the human Flynn.
DEtrimental RObots See also: The Shaver Mystery Richard Shaver Ray Plamer References wikipedia: dero
Sith (pronounced shee) means “spirit” in Gaelic. In particular, it’s a reference to the Leannain Sith (lanan-shi) or familiar spirits, which are described as somewhat similar to succubi. (Magonia, 118) Also: In the Star Wars mythology as written by George Lucas , the Sith (pronounced sith) are a red and black-skinned race with devilish horns […]
An entity, described by Aleister Crowley. See also OTO References Choronzon
In the movie Zardoz … … Zed, who Friend refers to as monster … [ warning: this entry was destroyed in data transfer ]
A name for the now-classic big-eyed spindly-limbed image of the Alien. An image which was arguably standardized by cultural artifacts like Communion by UFO and alien contactee accounts, and the standardized image of the Alien is acting as a culturally specific information filter. (racialized images of the alien other)
A 1974 science fiction film directed by John Boorman and starring Sean Connery in one of his first post-James Bond roles. Filmed on a small budget of US$1 million, Zardoz mixture of cerebral, philosophical sci-fi was in complete contrast to Boorman’s previous film, the brutal thriller Deliverance. In a future post-apocalypse Earth (2293) the human […]
Prophet and central icon of the Church of the SubGenius. The resemblance to Military-Industrial Overlord Vannevar Bush is uncanny…. References wikipedia: J.-R.-Bob-Dobbs
Alien visitors from the planet Venus. Encountered by Saucerian Convention. George Adamski’s drawing of the male Venusian Orthon:
The totally hot alien starship Capitan encountered by Truman Bethurum. Aura Rhanes came from the planet Clarion, which from the earth, always remains out of sight behind our moon. The Clarionites were smaller than humans, lived for 1000 years, and were all good Christians who attended church every Sunday. References
The name of one of the Master Control Messengers who delivered the Keys of Enoch to Jim Hurtak (Messengers of Deception, 133)
The enforcer-bot in the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still See also: klaatu References
Moroni was the name of a half-naked angel who made a triple appearance in Joseph Smith’s bedroom one night. Moroni’s visit eventually lead to the foundation of the Church of Latter-Day Saints), a group popularly known as the Mormons. Although it probably has nothing to do with the time Jesus Christ spent in upstate New […]
aka: Krll, Crill, O.H. Krill (nom de plume) Krill! (artists’ rendering) According to Bill Moore, this is the name of an alien still living on earth who occasionally publishes in open scientific literature (although no such articles have yet been located). Not to be confused with the tiny shrimp-like creatures which form the basis of […]
George Adamski claimed this was the name of a Martian who contacted him. (Long John Nebel, Way Out World, p46)
The silver-suited space traveler In the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still who brings the police robot Gort to Earth to enforce peace… or else. Klaatu is killed and Gort nearly destroyes the Earth. The command which halts Gort’s destruction of humanity is: Gort, Klaatu barrata nicto!
One of the Master Control Messengers who delivered the delivered the Keys of Enoch to Jim Hurtak. (Messengers, 133)
Baphomet was the name of the speaking head which the Knights Templar allegedly worshiped. Some have suggested that this head — described as similar to a computer — was the secret which the Templars found, the thing which made them the most powerful economic force in Medieval Europe, and that this was the secret they […]
An entity channeled by George Van Tassel as described in I Rode in a Flying Saucer (1953). A particularly revealing transmission by Ashtar occurred on March 20, 1953: I am authorized to inform you, we are in constant communication with our people we have in your national capitol. You will be hearing of an increase […]
Thirty million years ago, Xenu was the genocidal dictator of the Earth, which was then known as Teegeeack. L Ron Hubbard also spelled the supreme dictator’s name as Xemu — both spellings were apparently correct in ancient times. References wiki: Xenu Village Voice: Why Do Scientologists Accept the Xenu Story?
The name of Sean Connery’s bikini-and bandoleer cladc haracter in the movie Zardoz. Zed plays a role in the film somewhat similar to that of Case in the novel Neuromancer — he is used as a tool in a byzantine suicide by some form of technologically enhanced Higher Being. Also: The owner of the motorcycle […]
Incident II from Scientology Sequence of Incident II for thetans on another planet: (1) Capture (being shot) (2) freezing, (3) transport to Teegeeack (sometimes via a relay point) (4) being placed near a volcano (5) beginning implant up to ‘the pilot’ H-BOMB DROPPED ON VOLACNO EXPLOSION TERRIFIC WINDS THETAN CARRIED OVER PEAK ELECTRONIC RIBBON CAME […]
George Adamski claimed this was the name of a Saturnian who contacted him. (Way Out World, Nebel, 46)
inTEgrative RObots. According to Richard Shaver, the Tero are the good and helpful underground race, but they’re much weaker than the evil perverted Dero.
from Scientology According to L. Ron Hubbard: One’s body is a mass of individual thetans stuck to oneself or to the body. One has to clean them off by running incident II and Incident I. It is a long job, requiring care, patience and good auditing. You are running beings. They respond like any preclear. […]
from wikipedia: reptilian humanoid Modern claims Disinformation agent David Icke and others have claimed that U.S. President George W. Bush and his family are shapeshifting Reptilian aliens. John Rhodes established the Research Center in 1997 to collect, review and present evidence of reptoid activity. Rhodes contends that reptoids are descendants of the dinosaurs and […]
<img src=’’ alt=’harold dahl’s dog (played by actor)’ /> Harold Dahl’s dog (as played by actor) Harold Dahl’s dog is among of the few deaths directly attributed to a UFO encounter. Dahl’s dog was the alleged victim of a malfunctioning UFO which also wounded Dahl’s son. If the Maury Island Incident was a hoax (as […]
A science fiction term coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1870 as a powerful form of energy weilded by a subterranean race. Eventually, it got tangled up with the Nazis.
Unexplained phenomena circa 1966-1967 in West Virginia and Ohio The Mothman Prophecies (1976) by John Keel movie (2002) starring Richard Gere Involves the , a national security complex dating from WWII Deaths include an innocent German Shepard (Bandit) and, according to some, the 46 deaths in the collapse of the Silver Bridge on Dec 5 […]
Alien Life Form Also: 80’s television sit-com in which many of the jokes revolved around how the title character — a penis-nosed alien puppet with a vaguely east coast accent — loved to eat cats.
Unearthly entity first contacted by (or contactor of) Aleister Crowley in Cairo, 1901 who dictated the Book of the Law to him. From The Equinox of the Gods: I went into the “temple” a minute early, so as to shut the door and sit down on the stroke of Noon. On my table were my […]
A World War II code name for a British disinformation group, in particular the London Controlling Section also: things that come from Mars. Often expanded to refer to anything that comes from anywhere not-Earth.
George Adamski claimed this was the name of a female Venusian who contacted him. (Long John Nebel, 46) References phantoms and monsters: George Adamski and the Venusians
According to Jean-Pierre Prevost (while in a hypnotic trance) this is the name of an entity which contacted Prevost in a suburb of Paris, France in November, 1979. Prevost was told that he would be a Noah-figure by spreading the word about extraterrestrials, and that “those who will have helped them get the message out […]