
i could explain it to you, but then i’d have to kill you…
i could explain it to you, but then i’d have to kill you…
Dr (?) Michael Wolf claimed that MJ-12 appointed him manager of Alphacom Team, who had the objective of resuming negotiations with the visiting extraterrestrials. Other objectives of Alphacom Team were: to determine whether we can use the ETs’ technology to restore this planet to its former pristine state of natural balance.” to determine the number […]
Author of Catchers Of Heaven – A Trilogy Wolf, Michael The Catchers of Heaven: A Trilogy, Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 1996, ISBN 08059-3907-5 Claims to have worked for the NSC on “ET related matters” Associated with a secret group called Alphacom Team. References http://www.alternativkanalen.com/rune/micwolf3.html http://www.naturalhealthholistic.com/mikewolf.html
A derogatory term in Scientology for anyone who is not a Scientologist. As a reference to brainwashed normals, it is somewhat similar to the SubGenius term “pink” WOG is also a respectfully derogatory imperialist reference to someone of Asian descent: “Worthy Oriental Gentleman.”
Near Dayton, Ohio. Site of the Air Force Technical Intelligence Division. The base of Project Blue Book. Allegedly the place where the humanoid alien bodies from the Roswell UFO crash were taken. The location of UFO wreckage itself was allegedly brought and kept under guard for years. References http://www.wpafb.af.mil/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wright-Patterson-Air-Force-Base
aka: WVOV, Point Pleasant Depot associated with the Mothman incidents from pointpleasantwv.org: During the years of operation of WVOW, Point Pleasant was a boom-town. Chemists, scientists, engineers, electricians, plumbers, masons, heavy construction crews, and laborers representing nearly every building trade were required for the rapid buildup. Workers from all over the country converged on this […]
Thirty million years ago, Xenu was the genocidal dictator of the Earth, which was then known as Teegeeack. L Ron Hubbard also spelled the supreme dictator’s name as Xemu — both spellings were apparently correct in ancient times. References wiki: Xenu Village Voice: Why Do Scientologists Accept the Xenu Story?
Inventor of the rotor for the Bell helicopter. Apparently a believer in the ‘aliens-in-secret-underground-bases’ theory as advocated by Bill Cooper. (Revelations, 87)
The name of Sean Connery’s bikini-and bandoleer cladc haracter in the movie Zardoz. Zed plays a role in the film somewhat similar to that of Case in the novel Neuromancer — he is used as a tool in a byzantine suicide by some form of technologically enhanced Higher Being. Also: The owner of the motorcycle […]
This hypothesis — somewhat similar to the Prime Directive in Star Trek — explains the lack of clear evidence of other civilizations by suggesting that they’re aware of us, watching us, but choose not to make us aware of their presence. First proposed by John Ball (Ref 17: Ball, John A., The Zoo Hypothesis , […]
Pulp thriller by Dan Brown which has elevated several conspiracy theories to the status of massive pop culure memes, including the Priory of Sion. References http://danbrown.com/secrets/bizarre-facts/davinci-code.html corporate movie site (flash)– http://flash.sonypictures.com/movies/davincicodequest/us/index.html
Also: Order of the Golden Dawn (disputed) Occult organization made famous by Aleister Crowley. It’s implied that their system of secret ritual was designed around contact with non-human intelligences. References http://www.rotten.com/library/conspiracy/oto/
Incident II from Scientology Sequence of Incident II for thetans on another planet: (1) Capture (being shot) (2) freezing, (3) transport to Teegeeack (sometimes via a relay point) (4) being placed near a volcano (5) beginning implant up to ‘the pilot’ H-BOMB DROPPED ON VOLACNO EXPLOSION TERRIFIC WINDS THETAN CARRIED OVER PEAK ELECTRONIC RIBBON CAME […]
Misspelling see: Teegeeack
aka: UFOBJ The term UFO was popularized by Edward J Ruppelt in the early 50’s to avoid the goofy hoaxing associations of the term flying saucer. References Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions: UFO Documents
CAiiA-STAR Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts, Science, Technology and Art Research Group. Founded by Roy Ascott and based at the University of Wales. CAiiA-STAR is now known as the Planetary Collegium
founded in 1947
Knights Templar, founded in 1118 September 11, 1609: Henry Hudson first European to Manhattan Island Henry Hudson: 11 letters. 11/22/1963 – JFK assasinated Apollo 11, first manned mission to land on the Moon September 11, 1786: opening of the first Constitutional Convention September 11, 1941: ground broken for the Pentagon years from 1786 to 1941: […]
Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow You may never get to touch the Master, but you can tickle his creatures. (p.237) The innocence of the creatures is in inverse proportion to the immorality of the Master. (p.241) If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers. (p.251) You hide, they […]
Italian Masonic Vatican fascist masonic conspiracy, involved in a plot to overthrow the Italian government. It’s kind of complicated… Some people involved: Licio Gelli (” the puppetmaster”) Venerable Master of Propaganda Due Michele Sindona – Pope Paul VI’s banker and confident. Banker for the Mafia Roberto Calvi (“God’s Banker”) – found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge […]
George Adamski claimed this was the name of a Saturnian who contacted him. (Way Out World, Nebel, 46)
aka: bank from Scientology According to Dianetics, the bank is the unconscious part of the mind — somewhat similar to the Freduian id — where engrams are stored. < h4>Links < h4> wiki: Reactive Mind
The corporation which owns the trademarks of Scientology.
Eisenhower’s Special Assistant for National Security. The first person appointed to the newly created position of National Security Advisor Robert Cutler allegedly wrote an unsigned memo to General Nathan Twining on July 14, 1954 regarding the scheduling of a July 16 “MJ-12 SSP” presidential briefing. This memo — the only corroborating document of the existence […]
(December 29, 1809–April 2, 1891) American attorney, Confederate officer, and Freemason. The only Confederate military officer or figure honored with an outdoor statue in Washington, D.C. When the Mexican-American War started, Pike joined the cavalry and was commissioned as a troop commander, serving in the Battle of Buena Vista. He and his commander, John Selden […]
from Scientology A Potential Trouble Source is a person who while active in Scientology or a pc (pre-clear) remains connected to a Suppressive Person or Group. A PTS who fails to either handle or disconnect from an SP is committing a Suppressive Act, and may themselves be considered a Suppressive. A Suppressive may be considered […]
An Air Force project set up in the summer of 1949 to attempt to photograph and track the mysterious green fireballs seen around military compounds in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area. Dr. Edward Teller, who was then working on the hydrogen bomb, was one of the witnesses to these fireballs. (Peebles, 32-33) References project1947: Project […]
Project Sign personnel in the T-2 Conference Room at Wright-Patterson AFB (1948). Personnel from the left around the table: Lt. Col. Malcolm Seashore, chief of the Material Command Intelligence Technical Analysis (MCIAT) Unidentifiable person blocked by Seashore Lt. Col. J.J. Hausman Col. Howard McCoy, director of Air Material Command T-2 Intelligence Division Believed to be […]
Alleged attempts to reverse engineer and test-fly UFO technology. According to Bill Cooper, “Project Snowbird” was a cover for Redlight.
One of the first nodes of ARPANet, precursor to the Internet. Involved in remote viewing experiments.
Horror novelist and screenplay writer, notably of The Howling and The Hunger which both describe mysterious, monstrous races living alongside humanity. Also author of the autobiographical Communion (1987), which made him one of the most prominent and influential figures in alien contact and abduction phenomena. Author of post-Communion sequels Transformations (1988), and The Secret School […]
acronym: World Institute of Scientology Enterprises. The business wing of Scientology.
The name of an organization centered around Daniel Fry and his experience as a UFO contactee. At one point, Fry told Long John Nebel that Understanding had grown to 43 clubs or Units. (Nebel, 34-35) UNDERSTANDING, Incorporated Box 22, Station C, Pasadena, California, U.S.A. __ Please notify me of the nearest unit to my area. […]
inTEgrative RObots. According to Richard Shaver, the Tero are the good and helpful underground race, but they’re much weaker than the evil perverted Dero.
Born at midnight on July 9, 1856, in the village of Smiljan, in the province of Lika, Croatia which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Died on January 7, 1943 in New York City. Thomas Edison sacrificed an elephant in Tesla’s honor.
from Scientology According to L. Ron Hubbard: One’s body is a mass of individual thetans stuck to oneself or to the body. One has to clean them off by running incident II and Incident I. It is a long job, requiring care, patience and good auditing. You are running beings. They respond like any preclear. […]
acronym: There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence The suggestion is inherently paranoid.
Mysterious organization claiming to present the knowledge of an alien civilization in letters to prominent scientists and researchers. Their symbol appeared in strange places and looks something like the alchemical symbol for Uranus. According to Ummite DEI 98, son of DEI 97: “It is our wish to inform the planet Earth of our origin and […]
aka: Ruth Norman An acronym for Universal Radiant Infinite Eternal Light. Founder of the Unarius Society
Located on the central coast of California, Vandenburg occupies a large area around Point Conception — the point where the California coast turns North which is roughly considered the geographic and climatological division between Northern and Southern California. Location of many missile tests, commercial rocket launches, and some space shuttle launches. While trying to convince […]