
Book of Enoch
the fall of the Watchers, who fathered the Nephilim, and the celestial travels of the great-grandfather of Noah
the fall of the Watchers, who fathered the Nephilim, and the celestial travels of the great-grandfather of Noah
The only religiously based unit in United States military history. Led from Santa Fe to California by Philip St. George Cooke, who oversaw the construction of Fort Moore. References wiki/Mormon_Battalion
He seemed like a nice guy at the time… See also keys of enoch References wiki: Enoch_(ancestor_of_Noah) LDS: Enoch
Offices of the Latter-day Saint Melchizedek priesthood If an adult man joins the Church, he may be called and ordained to hold the lesser Aaronic Priesthood (if he is morally worthy) by those in the Church with authority to do so. After a period of time (usually one year) the man may be called and […]
Moroni was the name of a half-naked angel who made a triple appearance in Joseph Smith’s bedroom one night. Moroni’s visit eventually lead to the foundation of the Church of Latter-Day Saints), a group popularly known as the Mormons. Although it probably has nothing to do with the time Jesus Christ spent in upstate New […]
(b. December 23, 1805 – d. June 27, 1844) Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (aka: Mormons)
aka: Latter-Day Saints, LDS, Mormons A religion founded by Joseph Smith based on the idea that Jesus came to America to minister to the lost tribe of Israel. Core beliefs include the revelation of truth through a set of golden plates (which were buried in upstate New York decoded by means of a magic rock), […]