
Disney’s Tron (1982) is an allegorical gnostic text in which a demiurge called the Master Control Program is persecuting computer programs for their heretical belief in a realm beyond Control
Disney’s Tron (1982) is an allegorical gnostic text in which a demiurge called the Master Control Program is persecuting computer programs for their heretical belief in a realm beyond Control
final states… relationship to code and erasure… from What Aristotle Didn’t Know About Sex and Death by Ronald de Sousa: (T)he one type of cell that does appear capable to reproduce itself forever, apart from sex cells and unicellular organisms, are cancer cells. Cancer cells, we might say, go on reproducing for their own sake, […]
aka: Marcab from Scientology According to L. Ron Hubbard: Various planets united into a very vast civilization which has come forward up through the last 200,000 years, [it] is formed out of the fragments of earlier civilizations. In the last 100,000 years they have gone on with a sort of a decadent kicked-in-the-head civilization that […]