Capt. Sheridan “Cav” Cavitt
Head of Roswell Army Counterintelligence Corps

Recovered part of the … Jesse Marcel

. . .

[ warning: this information was damaged in transfer ]

“Happy birthday, Bill,” said the voice on the other end of the phone. “Its ‘Cav,’ your old boss.”

After exchanging niceties, Cavitt queried, “Have you been talking to anyone about what happened back in 1947?” Rickett identified one specific investigator, whom Cavitt knew as well.

“What have you been telling him?” pried Cavitt. “We both know what really happened out there, don’t we, Bill?”

“We sure do,” Rickett responded.

After a short pause Cavitt snapped back, “Well, maybe someday. Goodbye, Bill.”

Lewis “Bill” Rickett, who passed away in October 1993, never heard from Cavitt again.
