

(Scientology) In Dianetics, an engram is defined as a painful memory which is embedded in the stimulus-response unconscious (the reactive mind) rather than as a normal memory. Through auditing, people can become “clear” of engrams. At higher levels of Scientology (OT_III), it is revealed that engrams are the lost souls of the previous inhabitants of […]

neuro-linguistic programming

Neuro-linguistic Programming NLP was proposed in 1973 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder as a set of models and principles to describe the relationship between mind (neuro) and language (linguistic, both verbal and non-verbal) and how their interaction might be organized (programming) to affect an individual’s mind, body and behavior. It is described by the […]



aka: The Dog Star. The brightest star in the sky, so it gets a lot of attention. The name “Sirius” is derived from the Ancient Greek: Σείριος Seirios (“glowing” or “scorcher”). Sirius is also known colloquially as the “Dog Star”, reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Greater Dog). The heliacal rising of Sirius […]


Affinity Reality Communication

ARC from Scientology Used as a synonym for love or like. Amongst Scientologists, it has sometimes become customary to sign “ARC” at the end of correspondence, to signify the equivalent of “best wishes.” Likewise, the term “ARC break” is used to signify upset or anger. References wiki ARC-(Scientology)



aka: Alan-1, Alyn Long John Nebel said that Alan was a favorite name of unearthly visitors (Way Out World, 34). For example, Daniel Fry, met a flying saucer pilot named A-Lan near White Sands in 1950. In the Tron, the programmer who wrote the Tron program is named Alan (Tron refers to his user as […]

Alternative 3

On June 20, 1977, Anglia TV in England broadcast a documentary titled Alternative 3. Alternative 3 is also the name of a book by Leslie Watkins and David Ambrose [amazon-0380446774] Both the documentary and the book involved a scenario in which the elites of the Earth saw the planet facing inevitable ecological doom. Alternative 1 […]


ET Law

Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Adopted on July 16, 1969. NASA revoked the rule in 1977. Officially removed April 26, 1991. This regulation gave the Administrator of NASA the extra-judicial right to quarantine under armed guard anyone who became “extra-terrestrially exposed.” ‘Quarantine’ means the detention, examination and decontamination of any […]



Revelations 17:5 – and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” This symbolic figure, probably a reference to the Roman Empire, is now commonly depicted as Wonder Woman riding a dinosaur. Which allows it to server double duty as […]


A derogatory term in Scientology for anyone who is not a Scientologist. As a reference to brainwashed normals, it is somewhat similar to the SubGenius term “pink” WOG is also a respectfully derogatory imperialist reference to someone of Asian descent: “Worthy Oriental Gentleman.”

Zoo Hypothesis

This hypothesis — somewhat similar to the Prime Directive in Star Trek — explains the lack of clear evidence of other civilizations by suggesting that they’re aware of us, watching us, but choose not to make us aware of their presence. First proposed by John Ball (Ref 17: Ball, John A., The Zoo Hypothesis , […]


Unidentified Flying Object

aka: UFOBJ The term UFO was popularized by Edward J Ruppelt in the early 50’s to avoid the goofy hoaxing associations of the term flying saucer. References Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions: UFO Documents



Knights Templar, founded in 1118 September 11, 1609: Henry Hudson first European to Manhattan Island Henry Hudson: 11 letters. 11/22/1963 – JFK assasinated Apollo 11, first manned mission to land on the Moon September 11, 1786: opening of the first Constitutional Convention September 11, 1941: ground broken for the Pentagon years from 1786 to 1941: […]


reactive mind

aka: bank from Scientology According to Dianetics, the bank is the unconscious part of the mind — somewhat similar to the Freduian id — where engrams are stored. < h4>Links < h4> wiki: Reactive Mind

Potential Trouble Source

from Scientology A Potential Trouble Source is a person who while active in Scientology or a pc (pre-clear) remains connected to a Suppressive Person or Group. A PTS who fails to either handle or disconnect from an SP is committing a Suppressive Act, and may themselves be considered a Suppressive. A Suppressive may be considered […]


Extraterrestrial Hypothesis

(ETH) An explanation for UFOs and alien contact which suggests that they’re physical beings which travel in physical spacecraft which cross inconceivably vast inter-stellar distances before suddenly malfunctioning and crashing on Earth in the middle of nowhere. Other hypotheses attempt to explain alien contact phenomena by means of direct interaction with human consciousness, particularly through […]



Also: heisenbug, Bohr bug, mandelbug, schroedinbug David Marusek, Getting to Know You (Asimov’s Mar 1998) About a woman and her new computerized personal assistant, or ‘bug’, that quickly learns more about her tastes, habits, and motives than she anticipates. Marusek made a splash with his 1995 novella We Were Out of Minds with Joy; this […]



The planet which Truman Bethurum claimed his alien visitors came from. Clarion is apparently hidden from the Earth on the opposite side of the sun. (Messengers of Deception, 39) Not to be confused with Planet Claire. For the love of all that is holy, do not mistake them. References wiki: Counter-Earth wiki: B-52s – Planet_Claire […]


Black Sun

According to the novel The Coming Race (1871) by Vril derived their Vril Energy from the Black Sun, a ball of Prima Materia.” Some suspect that the Nazis used this power source for the UFOs. Book: Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke New York University Press, 2002, […]



In Genesis 6:4 there’s a description of giants born from the intercourse of angelic beings and Earthly women; similar activity between heavenly beings and earthly people is still described today. The angel appeared to in his bedroom one night, resulting in the foundation of the Mormon religion. Some humans such as have suggested that they […]



from Scientology “A person audited enough to be free of engrams. An unaberrated person” — from Advance, the magazine of the Advanced Organization Los Angeles Clear is the first major achievement on the Bridge to Total Freedom. The cost to get from a normal human state to Clear is somewhere in the range of $130,000. […]



from Scientology The process in clear. The process in Dianetics which uses intimate questioning while connected to an e-meter to eliminate engrams and body thetans, eventually making the subject clear. Also gathers an enormous amount of embarrassing personal information which could be used against anyone who wants to leave Scientology.



According to Scientology, pre-clear (PC) is the state that people are in before they are cleared of engrams by auditing. According to the OT-III Documents, what people are being “cleared” off are the souls of the original people of Earth (aka: Teegeeack) which were killed, nuked, and brainwashed by the evil galactic dictator Xenu.


overt act

aka: Overt from Scientology Scientology Technical Dictionary 1. An act which does the least good for the least number of dynamics or the most harm to the greatest number of dynamics. 2. An intentionally committed harmful *act* committed in an effort to resolve a problem. 3. That thing which you do which you aren’t willing […]



The tool which linked George Van Tassel and his Council of Twelve to alien intelligences such as Ashtar, Zoltan, and Desca. (Curran, In Advance of the Landing, 79-81. Cited in Peebles, 125)